Baby Sharks große Show!: Episodenguide (2024)

Staffel 1

11.011.01Lieber guter Hainachtsmann All I Want for Fishmas03.12.2021 11.12.2020All I Want for Fishmas11.12.202021.02aa1.02aFlossen-Freunde für immer Fish Friends Forever21.08.2021 02.04.2021Fish Friends Forever02.04.202121.02bb1.02bDie Algen-Grippe Jelly Pox21.08.2021Jelly Pox31.03aa1.03aDie Zahnfisch-Fee Baby Tooth28.08.2021 26.03.2021Baby Tooth26.03.202131.03bb1.03bDie Höhle der Schlabberschnecke Slobber Slug28.08.2021 26.03.2021Slobber Slug26.03.202141.04aa1.04aSuper Shark und Kapitän Tang Super-Shark04.09.2021 09.04.2021Super-Shark09.04.202141.04bb1.04bDer tapfere William William vs. Wild04.09.2021 16.04.2021William vs. Wild16.04.202151.051.05Die Baby Shark Show Live from the Shark House21.01.2022 23.04.2021Live from the Shark House23.04.202161.061.06Das große Spiel Get Your Game On21.01.2022 07.05.2021Get Your Game On07.05.202171.07aa1.07aDie legendäre Beute Legendary Loot11.09.2021 18.06.2021Legendary Loot18.06.202171.07bb1.07bJa oder Nein? Yup Day11.09.2021 18.06.2021Yup Day18.06.202181.08aa1.08aEin Wunsch für alle When You Wish Upon a Fish18.09.2021 25.06.2021When You Wish Upon a Fish25.06.202181.08bb1.08bDer Hai-Hai-Wettbewerb Shark-Off18.09.2021 25.06.2021Shark-Off25.06.202191.09aa1.09aDie Show muss im Fluss bleiben The Show Must Flow On13.12.2021 16.07.2021The Show Must Flow On16.07.202191.09bb1.09bDetektiv Baby Shark Detective Baby Shark14.12.2021 16.07.2021Detective Baby Shark16.07.2021101.10aa1.10aBürgermeister Baby Baby Mayor15.12.2021 09.07.2021Baby Mayor09.07.2021101.10bb1.10bDie Gameshow Sink or Swim16.12.2021 23.07.2021Sink or Swim23.07.2021111.11aa1.11aKapitän Tang Captain Kelp20.12.2021 06.08.2021Captain Kelp06.08.2021111.11bb1.11bDas Haustierchen Teensy the Tardigrade17.12.2021 30.06.2021Teensy the Tardigrade30.06.2021121.12aa1.12aShadowland Shadowland21.12.2021 10.09.2021Shadowland10.09.2021121.12bb1.12bAlte Gezeiten Medieval Tides22.12.2021 10.09.2021Medieval Tides10.09.2021131.13aa1.13aBaby Shark’s gruseliges Halloween Baby Shark’s Haunted Halloween23.12.2021 20.10.2021Baby Shark’s Haunted Halloween20.10.2021131.13bb1.13bAuf dem Meeresgrund Wavey Jones’ Locker24.12.2021 20.10.2021Wavey Jones’ Locker20.10.2021141.14aa1.14aDer Mini-Golf-Kurs Daddyshack28.03.2022 08.10.2021Daddyshack08.10.2021141.14bb1.14bAngst ohne Rocky Rocky-Bye27.03.2022 08.10.2021Rocky-Bye08.10.2021151.15aa1.15aDer Regentag Rainy Day Roundup29.03.2022 12.11.2021Rainy Day Roundup12.11.2021151.15bb1.15bKlebrig unter Wasser Deep Goo Sea30.03.2022 12.11.2021Deep Goo Sea12.11.2021161.16aa1.16aTrainerin Oma Coach Grandma31.03.2022 10.02.2022Coach Grandma10.02.2022161.16bb1.16bBaby hat zu tun Busy Baby03.04.2022 10.02.2022Busy Baby10.02.2022171.17aa1.17aDie Schneeballschlacht Snowball Bonanza12.06.2022 09.12.2021Snowball Bonanza09.12.2021171.17bb1.17bDas Geschenk The Present13.06.2022 09.12.2021The Present09.12.2021181.18aa1.18aHai-Power Shark Strength14.06.2022 21.01.2022Shark Strength21.01.2022181.18bb1.18bDer gute Störenfried Good Trouble07.07.2022 21.01.2022Good Trouble21.01.2022191.19aa1.19aDer Freundfischtag Best Fin-Ship Day15.06.2022 14.02.2022Best Fin-Ship Day14.02.2022191.19bb1.19bDer große Skate-Fall The Great Skate Case16.06.2022 14.02.2022The Great Skate Case14.02.2022201.20aa1.20aWilliam Manta: Nachrichtenfisch William Manta: News Fish27.07.2022 22.07.2022William Manta: News Fish22.07.2022201.20bb1.20bSchlafen wie ein Baby Sleeping Like a Baby Shark28.07.2022 22.07.2022Sleeping Like a Baby Shark22.07.2022211.21aa1.21aSeegras Swing The Seaweed Sway18.09.2022 15.04.2022The Seaweed Sway15.04.2022211.21bb1.21bFreunde im Fluss Flow Bros19.09.2022 15.04.2022Flow Bros15.04.2022221.22aa1.22aDie Tentacools A Shark Day’s Night22.09.2022 22.04.2022A Shark Day’s Night22.04.2022221.22bb1.22bBöser Hank Bad Hank25.09.2022 22.04.2022Bad Hank22.04.2022231.23aa1.23aReingelegt Shark Prank26.09.2022 01.04.2022Shark Prank01.04.2022231.23bb1.23bLagunen-Limo Lagoon Lemonade27.09.2022 01.04.2022Lagoon Lemonade01.04.2022241.24aa1.24aQualle auf Abwegen The Lost Jelly26.09.2022 29.07.2022The Lost Jelly29.07.2022241.24bb1.24bDas Korallen-Dilemma The Coral Dilemma27.09.2022 29.07.2022The Coral Dilemma29.07.2022251.25aa1.25aOperation Glückliche Mamas Operation Happy Mommies13.10.2022 06.05.2022Operation Happy Mommies06.05.2022251.25bb1.25bFreunde auf den ersten Biss Buds at First Bite14.10.2022 06.05.2022Buds at First Bite06.05.2022261.26aa1.26aCaptain Blubberbart A Mail Whale Tale17.10.2022 28.09.2022A Mail Whale Tale28.09.2022261.26bb1.26bSchwimmen mit den Sharks Swimming With the Sharks18.10.2022 29.09.2022Swimming With the Sharks29.09.2022271.27aa1.27aDer Camping-Wettstreit A Tail of Two Fathers19.10.2022 17.06.2022A Tail of Two Fathers17.06.2022271.27bb1.27bEin neuer Nachbar Welcome Wagon20.10.2022 17.06.2022Welcome Wagon17.06.2022281.28aa1.28aDas „Maskierte Fischi“ The Masked Fishy21.10.2022 26.09.2022The Masked Fishy26.09.2022281.28bb1.28bDas „Bester-Fischi-Freund-Spiel“ The Best Friends Game21.10.2022 27.09.2022The Best Friends Game27.09.2022

Staffel 2

292.01aa2.01aFort Freund-Fisch Fort Fin-ship23.04.2023 04.11.2022Fort Fin-ship04.11.2022292.01bb2.01bUnliebsamer Besuch Water Buggin24.04.2023 04.11.2022Water Buggin04.11.2022302.02aa2.02aDer Haustierchen-Tanzwettbewerb Best in Flow25.04.2023 14.12.2022Best in Flow14.12.2022302.02bb2.02bBlizzard Wizard Blizzard Wizard26.04.2023 15.12.2022Blizzard Wizard15.12.2022312.03aa2.03aDas geheime Passwort The Secret Password27.04.2023 12.12.2022The Secret Password12.12.2022312.03bb2.03bSpaß- und Spieltag Monday Funday29.04.2023 13.12.2022Monday Funday13.12.2022322.04aa2.04aDer Fisch-Kobold The Treat Goblin28.04.2023 18.10.2022The Treat Goblin18.10.2022322.04bb2.04bBaby Super Shark Baby Super Shark02.05.2023 18.10.2022Baby Super Shark18.10.2022332.05aa2.05aWer ist die Beste? Extreme Dodge Bubble29.04.2023 06.01.2023Extreme Dodge Bubble06.01.2023332.05bb2.05bWo sind die Tickets? The Lost Tickets04.05.2023 06.01.2023The Lost Tickets06.01.2023342.06aa2.06aEin Hoch auf die Wellenbrecher Bucht Tour Fishies28.05.2023 13.01.2023Tour Fishies13.01.2023342.06bb2.06bDie Kunst, sich zu entschuldigen Sorry, Not Sorry28.05.2023 13.01.2023Sorry, Not Sorry13.01.2023352.07aa2.07aFischi-Lichterfest Fishtival of Lights01.07.2023 02.12.2022Fishtival of Lights02.12.2022352.07bb2.07bDie Eis-Fischi Revue Shadow on Ice01.07.2023 02.12.2022Shadow on Ice02.12.2022362.08aa2.08aDie Glückskette The Lucky Necklace29.05.2023 20.01.2023The Lucky Necklace20.01.2023362.08bb2.08bVigos Überraschung Vigo’s Surprise29.05.2023 20.01.2023Vigo’s Surprise20.01.2023372.09aa2.09aNennt mich Billiam Call Me Billiam30.05.2023 27.01.2023Call Me Billiam27.01.2023372.09bb2.09bDie Freundfischfalle The Finship Trap30.05.2023 27.01.2023The Finship Trap27.01.2023382.10aa2.10aDie Shark-Band Shark House Rock31.05.2023 16.06.2023Shark House Rock16.06.2023382.10bb2.10bDer Zahnputz-Stolperer Toothpaste Tumble01.06.2023 16.06.2023Toothpaste Tumble16.06.2023392.11aa2.11aPlitsch-Platschketball Splish Splashketball30.10.2023 17.03.2023Splish Splashketball17.03.2023392.11bb2.11bDie Rettung der Schlabber-Schnecke The Slug Hank Redemption31.10.2023 17.03.2023The Slug Hank Redemption17.03.2023402.12aa2.12aEin nicht-perfektes Familienfoto Picture Imperfect01.11.2023 07.12.2023Picture Imperfect07.12.2023402.12bb2.12bDie Fischi-Freunde-Talent-Show The Fishy Friends Talent Show02.11.2023 07.12.2023The Fishy Friends Talent Show07.12.2023412.13aa2.13aÄrger mit den Häschen-Schnecken The Trouble with Bunny Slugs03.11.2023 09.06.2023The Trouble with Bunny Slugs09.06.2023412.13bb2.13bEin Haustier für William Life with Chumby06.11.2023 09.06.2023Life with Chumby09.06.2023422.14aa2.14aVolas Geburtstag Washed Up07.11.2023 23.06.2023Washed Up23.06.2023422.14bb2.14bPfeift auf alle Regeln 2 Cool 4 Rules08.11.2023 23.06.20232 Cool 4 Rules23.06.2023432.15aa2.15aAngst vorm Arzt Doctor Drama09.11.2023 11.12.2023Doctor Drama11.12.2023432.15bb2.15bDer Weiß-Wal The White Whale10.11.2023 12.12.2023The White Whale12.12.2023442.16aa2.16aSherman mittendrin Sherman in the Middle10.11.2023 13.12.2023Sherman in the Middle13.12.2023442.16bb2.16bSmoothie-Tag Smoothie Day10.11.2023 14.12.2023Smoothie Day14.12.2023452.17aa2.17aDie Blubber-Rakete Finterstellar10.11.2023 18.12.2023Finterstellar18.12.2023452.17bb2.17bWer spielt Wilma? Goldie’s Greatest Role10.11.2023 19.12.2023Goldie’s Greatest Role19.12.2023462.18aa2.18aTiefsee-Disco Deep Dark Disco10.11.2023 20.12.2023Deep Dark Disco20.12.2023462.18bb2.18bDie Schätze des Flowseidon Finception10.11.2023 21.12.2023Finception21.12.2023472.19aa2.19aBaby liebt die Liebe Old Shark Bribe10.11.2023Old Shark Bribe472.19bb2.19bBaby schwimmt solo Swimming Solo10.11.2023Swimming Solo482.20aa2.20aTrauriger Chucks The Freeze Out03.05.2024The Freeze Out482.20bb2.20bDas Kristall-Korallenbaum-Rätsel The Crystal Coral Conundrum03.05.2024The Crystal Coral Conundrum492.21aa2.21aDer „Super-Schwarm“ Fishy Force03.05.2024 18.09.2023Fishy Force18.09.2023492.21bb2.21bSuperhelden-Trainingstag Superhero Training Day03.05.2024 18.09.2023Superhero Training Day18.09.2023502.22aa2.22aSüßigkeiten-Raub Findependence Day03.05.2024 25.09.2023Findependence Day25.09.2023502.22bb2.22bCostello kündigt Costello Quits03.05.2024 25.09.2023Costello Quits25.09.2023522.24aa2.24aKälte ist cool FLOWMO03.05.2024 05.12.2023FLOWMO05.12.2023522.24bb2.24bDas Orientierungs-Abzeichen Fishy Scouts03.05.2024 05.12.2023Fishy Scouts05.12.2023532.25aa2.25aTanzen verboten Finloose03.05.2024 06.12.2023Finloose06.12.2023532.25bb2.25bEin Freund für Ernie Operation Ernie03.05.2024 06.12.2023Operation Ernie06.12.2023542.26aa2.26aSalzwasser Studios Saltwater Studios03.05.2024 04.12.2023Saltwater Studios04.12.2023542.26bb2.26bHilfe, Sandkrabben! Sand Crabby03.05.2024 04.12.2023Sand Crabby04.12.2023552.27aa2.27aQuietschfidele Fischis’ Funny Fish03.05.2024Funny Fish552.27bb2.27bClub Cool Club Cool03.05.2024Club Cool


1Crumb of a Clue Crumb of a Clue15.12.2022 26.02.2021Crumb of a Clue26.02.20212The Bunny Slug The Bunny Slug15.12.2022 26.02.2021The Bunny Slug26.02.20213Operation Cool Quest Operation Cool Quest15.12.2022 26.02.2021Operation Cool Quest26.02.20214No Time for Time Out No Time for Timeouts15.12.2022 26.02.2021No Time for Timeouts26.02.20215Knock it Off Knock it Off15.12.2022 26.02.2021Knock it Off26.02.20216Goldie’s Lock Goldie’s Lock15.12.2022 14.05.2021Goldie’s Lock14.05.20217Chore Song Chore Song15.12.2022 21.05.2021Chore Song21.05.20218Mommy Works From Home Mommy Works From Home15.12.2022 28.05.2021Mommy Works From Home28.05.20219Hide and Hunt Hide and Hunt15.12.2022 04.06.2021Hide and Hunt04.06.202110Luck of the Claw Luck of the Claw15.12.2022 11.06.2021Luck of the Claw11.06.2021


1Compilation Special (1) Compilation Special (1)Compilation Special (1)2Compilation Special (2) Compilation Special (2)Compilation Special (2)

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Baby Sharks große Show!: Episodenguide (2024)


What channel is baby sharks on? ›

Baby Shark's Big Show! - TV Series | Nick Jr. Join Baby Shark and his best bud William on their hilarious journeys through Carnivore Cove! Every day is filled with jaw-some fun, new friends, family, and original catchy tunes.

Is Baby Shark a boy or a girl in Baby Shark's Big Show? ›

Kimiko Glenn as Brooklyn "Baby" Shark, a yellow male shark and the main protagonist.

Is the Baby Shark renewed? ›

This page is a list of episodes in the third season of Baby Shark's Big Show!, which was renewed by Nickelodeon on June 13, 2023 and will consist of 22 episodes. (18 half-hour episodes; 4 hour-long musical specials) On July 20, 2024, Emily Gerich posted that the third season of the series will be the final season.

Is Cardi B in Baby Shark's Big Show? ›

Sharki B is a character that appears in Baby Shark's Big Show. She is portrayed and voiced by Cardi B.

How many seasons of shark are there? ›

Is Baby Shark's Big Show on Netflix? ›

Baby Shark and his pilot fish best friend, William, sing and swim their way through all kinds of musical underwater adventures in Carnivore Cove. Watch all you want.

Why is Baby Shark so popular? ›

“I believe the song appeals to children because of the combination of repetitive rhythms and lyrics, sequencing of movements, and a simple melody that builds anticipation,” he explains. Even kids who aren't yet verbal seem to enjoy bopping to the repeated sounds.

Is William from Baby Shark adopted? ›

Rayna is a character that appears in Baby Shark's Big Show. She is the adoptive mother of William and also a news reporter.

Who is the voice behind Baby Shark? ›

The movie will also star regular voice actors from the “Baby Shark's Big Show” series, including: Kimiko Glenn (“Orange Is the New Black”) as Baby Shark; Luke Youngblood (“Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone”) as William; Natasha Rothwell (“Insecure”) as Mommy Shark; Eric Edelstein (“We Bare Bears”) as Daddy Shark; ...

Is Baby Shark based on a true story? ›

“Baby Shark” has been around for decades.

The song has been a favorite of children and adults alike since it was first created in the early 1980s by camp counselors in Korea who were inspired by a real shark with an especially short temper who was not a “happy camper” when the counselors were in its habitat.

How long does the Baby Shark live show last? ›

1. showtime is 90 minutes, take away the 15 late start and intermission show is about 45 mins long.

How many seasons are there for Shark Tank? ›

As of May 3, 2024, 339 episodes of Shark Tank have aired, concluding the fifteenth season. Shark Tank's fifteenth season premiered on September 29, 2023.

How many seasons of street sharks are there? ›

The third season is the final season of Street Sharks. This season was comprised of twenty-seven episodes, bringing the series to a total of forty episodes by its conclusion. After the series was finished, a spin-off series was created in 1997 called Extreme Dinosaurs​​​​​​.


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Author: Dan Stracke

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Author information

Name: Dan Stracke

Birthday: 1992-08-25

Address: 2253 Brown Springs, East Alla, OH 38634-0309

Phone: +398735162064

Job: Investor Government Associate

Hobby: Shopping, LARPing, Scrapbooking, Surfing, Slacklining, Dance, Glassblowing

Introduction: My name is Dan Stracke, I am a homely, gleaming, glamorous, inquisitive, homely, gorgeous, light person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.