Escape From Tarkov: Customs Map Guide for Beginners - (2025)

The Customs map in Escape from Tarkov is one of the game’s most popular and challenging maps. Known for its large size and variety of loot locations, it attracts players looking for a challenge.

This article provides beginners with a comprehensive guide to navigating and surviving Customs. The guide will cover everything from familiarizing yourself with the map layout and extraction points to finding and securing loot and locating/avoiding PvP combat on the map.

Customs is a challenging map, but with the proper map knowledge, players can survive and extract valuable loot. If you want to streamline your progress and gain a competitive edge, consider checking out options for Tarkov boosting services.

It is important to remember that the game is constantly changing, so players must always be prepared to adapt to new strategies and tactics as they play. Whether you’re a new player or an experienced veteran looking for a challenge, the Customs map in Escape from Tarkov is a great place to test your skills.

With the help of this guide, you’ll have the knowledge you need to navigate the map, find loot, and survive the intense player-versus-player combat.

In the following list, you will find a little breakdown of our EFT Customs Map article:

  • Tips and Tricks for Playing in Customs
  • Points of Interest
  • Extraction and Spawn Points
  • Scav Bosses and Bodyguards
  • Rogue Bosses
  • Special Features on the map
  • Conclusion

Tips and Tricks for Playing in Customs

It’s essential to remember that the following tips are an excellent way to create your plan before entering an Escape from Tarkov Customs Map raid, as the extraction points can be different, the other players’ movement on the map is unpredictable, and more.

Overall, knowing where to go and focusing on the primary purpose is the key to Tarkov:

  • Avoid unnecessary fights.
  • Learn Map Layout: Key locations, Spawns, Best Loot Locations, etc.
  • Be prepared for Ambushes.
  • Adapt to new situations / Pay attention to your surroundings.
  • If Plan A is your key, always have plan B & C on the field.
  • Keep track of the raid time.
  • Learn from mistakes.

Additionally, some changes can occur without notice, such as game updates or information from the game developers. Please have a good understanding of them and be prepared for anything!

If your attempts to complete your objectives are in vain, you can try KBoosting’s Escape from Tarkov services and let the professionals complete any EFT Objective.

Points of Interest

The Customs map is one of the game’s largest and most complex maps, and it is divided into several key areas, each with its own unique set of loot and potential PvEvP points. The following are some of the most important landmarks and spots on the Customs map:

  • Dorm Buildings: The two buildings are located at the center of the customs map and are one of the most important landmarks having plenty of weapon crates, duffle bags, and key spawns. Also, here you can find the only car extraction point on the customs map.
  • Warehouses: Warehouses 3, 4, and 7 are known for having a lot of loot inside them, such as weapons, ammunition, medical supplies, and more! They are located on the eastern part of the map, near the train rails.
  • Gas Station: There are two gas stations on the Customs map: one in the northeast and the other in the southeast. They provide a lot of loot inside such as food, a weapon box, and a cash register. The Old gas station provides a temporary extraction point (usually market with green smoke) and loot that usually is contained in an ammo box or weapon box.
  • Construction Site: The industrial area of Customs, located in the middle of the map, has a lot of unfinished constructions. This location is a potential spawn of the map boss named “Reshala,” accompanied by his guards. It also provides an extraction point available permanently (it requires a Factory Key) if you turn on the power on the Boiler Side of the map.
  • Storage and Customs Terminal: The southwestern side of the map is an industrial zone with the Big Red Factory-type building, a train terminal, and a trailer park.
  • Repair Shop: The Repair Shop and the Depot are two incredible buildings when it comes to loot and resources. They are filled with Crates, Duffle Bags, Jackets, Caches, and boxes, making this map more interesting.

Extraction and Spawn Points

In Escape from Tarkov, your spawn dictates the extraction you must reach until the end of the map’s timer. You either spawn on the western side and extract on the eastern or vice versa.

There are more than 20 extraction points in the Customs Map, combining the SCAVs or PMCs, as follows:

  • SCAV + PMC Extraction Points
    • Crossroads (Main Road)
    • Old Gas Station Gate
    • Ruaf Roadblock
  • PMC Extraction Points
    • ZB-1011
    • ZB-1012
    • ZB-1013
    • Trailer Park
    • Smuggler’s Boat (Limited Time)
    • Dorms V-EX (You need roubles)
  • SCAV Extraction Points
    • Trailer Park Workers Shack
    • Railroad to Tarkov
    • Railroad to Port
    • Warehouse 17
    • Sniper Roadblock
    • Factory Shacks
    • Old Road Gate
    • Railroad Military Base
    • Passage Between Rocks
    • Military Base CP
    • Scav Checkpoint
    • Administration Gate (Main Road)
    • Factory Far Corner.

In Escape from Tarkov Customs Map, the Spawn Points are landing spots for your PMC, mostly scattered around the map’s corners.

Scav Bosses and Bodyguards

In the Escape from Tarkov Customs Map, a Scav Boss is a powerful NPC enemy that randomly spawns in a predetermined location on the map. Usually, he is carrying valuable loot, but also heavily armed and guarded by additional Bodyguards.

Reshala and his Followers

Reshala (the Escape from Tarkov Customs map Scav Boss) can usually be found in two locations:

Dorms – In either one of the buildings or the yard between them.

New Gas Station – Inside or around the building. Sometimes he and his guard wander off the grassy hills toward the Military Checkpoint area.

Reshala and his followers have different HP (Health Points) values than PMC players or SCAVs:

Reshala has a total of 752 HP;

Bodyguards have a total of 630 HP.

Rogue Bosses

Rogue Bosses in EFT are powerful enemies with unique gear, traits, and behavior.


Knight, also known as “Death Knight” is the commander of “The Goons” squad along with Big Pipe and Birdeye.

He has a total of 1120 HP and five double-slot pockets. He can be found wandering around Scav Base (ZB-013) or the construction zone.

Big Pipe

Big Pipe has a total of 910 HP and the same pocket inventory as his squad. Big Pipe’s loadout usually includes a grenade launcher or high-tier ammo type, or flashbangs.


Birdeye, despite having a total of 795 HP, is the most difficult Rogue Boss to kill. When a player is spotted by any of “The Goons” squad, Knight and Big Pipe will rush the player, while Birdeye sits back and tries to ambush.

It’s very important to keep in mind that Birdeye’s steps are completely silent!

Special Features on the map

The Customs map in EFT is known for its variety of unique features that can occur during a raid, which can significantly change the gameplay and make it more challenging:

Raid Time

The raid timer is the time players have to complete their objectives and extract, and it can vary depending on the map. It’s crucial to keep track of your remaining raid time, and exfil before the timer runs out.

Otherwise, you will lose your current loadout and the loot you’ve gathered within the raid!

You can check this information on the raid selection menu; every map has different durations and a maximum number of players that can join.

Maximum Players

The maximum number of players that can join a map is predetermined. Before entering a specific map, you can check this information on the raid selection menu.

The Escape from Tarkov Customs map can hold up to 12 players at a time!

Weather Conditions

The weather conditions can significantly affect your gameplay, from visibility to sound propagation. It’s vital to be aware of them and adjust your tactics accordingly.


The Escape from Tarkov Customs map is very challenging and complex, but players can survive and extract valuable loot with the proper knowledge and skills.

This guide has covered everything from familiarizing yourself with the map layout and extraction points to finding and securing loot and navigating combat on the map.

Additionally, we have discussed special features of the map, providing players with the knowledge they need to be prepared for any situation.

In conclusion, the Customs map in Escape from Tarkov is a great place to test your skills, and with this guide, you’ll have the knowledge you need to navigate the map, find loot, and survive the intense player-versus-player combat.

Remember to stay up-to-date with the game’s updates and events, have a plan B and C, and be prepared to adapt to new situations.

Good luck, and most importantly, have fun!


Escape From Tarkov: Customs Map Guide for Beginners - (2025)


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