Gutfeld! : FOXNEWSW : August 5, 2024 7:00pm-8:00pm PDT : Free Borrow & Streaming : Internet Archive (2024)

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their children to grow up in, to build a future in and to really become a part of the fabric of american society. so i think that's great. that is a wonderful thing. i also understand that, you know, the experience that i had was because everyone came with this intention of kind of belonging and worked really hard to do it, and i think that's just a critical part of how our country was built and how our... how everyone just becomes an american at the end of the day. >> sean: 6 to 9 a.m. eastern tomorrow on "fox & friends." that's all the time unfortunately we have left. please set your dvr so you never, ever, ever miss an episode of "hannity." let your hearts not be troubled. greg gutfeld is back to put a smile on your face. have a great night. [cheering and applause] [ ♪♪ ]

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>> greg: i know! i know. i missed me too. happy monday, everyone. so kamala harris's husband has admitted to getting his nanny pregnant and destroying his first marriage. what an amateur, said one man. nancy pelosi said president biden should be added to mount rushmore because like washington, jefferson, roosevelt and lincoln, joe's also dead. but, hey, if anyone knows about building a face from scratch, it's nancy pelosi. [ laughter ] rfk jr. told a story about the

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time he abandoned a dead bear cub in central park. abandoning a bear in a park. for a kennedy, i suppose it could be worse. >> too soon! >> greg: too soon. swimmer luanna alonso from paraguay was kicked out of the olympics for inappropriate behavior. what could it be? clearly the french had a problem with her taking a shower. look, i wanted to show that picture. [ laughter ] a french pole vaulter missed out on a chance to win an olympic medal when his penis got caught on the crossbar and knocked the bar down. the same thing happened to me at the 100 meter dash. i kept tripping.

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that joke is really beneath me! [ laughter ] with tension rising between iran and israel, joe biden is meeting with his national security team in the situation room answering critics who said he couldn't go to a different room. [ laughter ] that's a great joke! and harrison ford says acting in "captain america iv" required not caring and being an idiot for money. yeah, i know the type. [ laughter ] all right. wake up, people! so it's amazing how far kamala harris has come since she entered the race given that she's done nothing. [ laughter ] instead of hiding in the basem*nt she's hiding behind megan thee stallion's butt.

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harris hasn't change. she's the same kamala no one voted for. now three weeks ago, trump was nearly killed, and two weeks before that trump had exposed the biggest political scandal ever that the democrat government had covered up the president's dementia putting our country in jeopardy while assuring harris's nomination. but somehow that's ancient news brought to you by the news. so you see the machine at work taking what's already there, harris, and giving it the whole makeover. it's like whoopi goldberg went to bed and woke up as halle berry. [ laughter ] harris didn't have to do anything, just let the people in charge do their thing. the polls tell you everything. if kamala remained a constant, then what impacted the polls? everything else. and it's driven by identity politics. it has to be because what else is there? her achievements? her intelligence? her articulation? every position kamala has held is either impossible to fathom

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or no longer to applies. she even flip flops on her race but it's identity that they made the selling point, and you cannot question it because if you do, watch out. >> why is former president trump questioning the vice president's racial identity? >> well, first, george, in chicago he was responding to a question from i believe rachel scott. this is really a phoney controversy. i don't really care. most people don't. >> you repeated the slur again. if it doesn't matter, why do you keep questioning her identity? she's identified as a black identity. she's identified as both. why are you questioning that? >> well, george, first of all, this is something that's actually a conversation throughout social media right now. there are a lot of people trying to figure this out. again, that's a side issue, not the main issue. the main issue -- >> sir, one second. you just did it again! why do you insist on questioning her racial identity? >> do you want to talk or do you want me to talk? >> i want you to answer my

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question. >> greg: meanwhile, cnn asked a group of men at a barber shop the question... >> will kamala make you more likely or less likely to vote democrat? >> is kamala black, yes or no? >> i'm going to speak on that but to me no. >> is kamala black, yes or no? >> i share that same view. >> is kamala black, yes or no? >> i heard she's half black and half asian. >> greg: when i played a audio on my sirius xm radio program, many said those men were the exception not the rule. some described them as low-information voters no different than you'd find among whites. ah, yes! the infamous sum! and it's the sum that allows another white jackass to say

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black folks' opinions on race don't matter unless, of course, they agree with this white guy, but that's the dems. they no longer look at people, individuals as unique but as part of a group. so you're not voting for the moron who screwed up the border and hid biden's dementia. no, you're voting for black women. but harris's identity parade began with joe choosing her for her race and her gender and yet point that out, that's racist. we're supposed to pretend it didn't happen like that time kudlow showed up at my place in broken handcuffs. but they're able to hide harris's unique flaws by shifting to the traits of a group so she goes from unique to special. now, under god and nature, we're all unique, but we aren't special. your problems don't matter more than mine and vice versa. but in an era where god and nature are seen as irrelevant we've abandoned the idea of

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being unique, for being special. why does a healthy young person mutilate their body? because they abandon uniqueness and embracing what they've been told makes them special. their parents also indulge this for they feel special too. dyed hair then becomes a shaved head. piercings, fervent activism becomes a replacement for uniqueness for every day you need to prove you're special. but all those things do is make you easier to pick out of a lineup after you've done something stupid in the name of social justice. then you get to be in the most cherished group of all, victims. but that specialness is like non-waterproof paint. it washes off of the next day and you have to apply another coat, another cause, another pronoun, another shower curtain ring in your nostril. the paris olympics' opening ceremony was the end game of

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identity championing the excess of self, rejecting beauty as it justifies its own overkill. over time the sin of pride demands others to laud their specialness even as it rejects your unique place in the world. and if you dare question, they become vengeful. they mocked christianity and they're a victim because people noticed and that leads to deeper, emptiest excesses. what's forgotten is what's truly unique about you. an 18-year-old black man at a top college could descend from slaves. an 18-year-old white man could have abusive, drug-addled parents. both are unique but one cannot be more special than the other. it's all the same poison. choosing to be special instead of unique should come with a warning... fatal if ingested. let's welcome tonight's guests!

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the only thing shorter than him are the lines to see his show! comedian tyler fisher! she's my favorite tutor if you don't count the guy who got me through sex ed, tutor dixon! she recently peed on a stick. in an unrelated story, she's pregnant. "new york times" best selling author, kat timpf. and he rents his navel out as a hot tub, tyrus! tyrus, i'd go to you first for no apparent reason. >> why did he come to me? lordy lord, what should we talk about first? >> greg: i don't know. there's so much packed in to that monolog. >> well done! >> greg: you could tell i was on vacation for a week.

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watching a lot of "dateline." >> how many books did you write? >> greg: none. but i watched 40 episodes of "dateline." i was wrong in predicting every suspect. it is the spouse! it's always the spouse. but here's the thing... you watch this stuff and in both of those videos the white guys were upset with what they heard from blacks. stephanopoulos primarily, a douchbag. >> we have to be careful. i will go on the record, kamala harris is a beautiful black woman. she is a black woman. how do i know this for a fact? that's the one thing we knew about her being vetted to be the vice president that we were going to get a woman of color and they did. so do not fall for this trap. they're not asking you to disprove it. they're asking you to get you involved. >> greg: right. >> no matter what your answer is -- let me let y'all know

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something, everybody in here, whether you like it or not, if jesse watters is 000.1% black, everybody is. if you fall for that trap, you can't fall for that trap. kamala's skin tone isn't the issue. her character is the issue. her inability to give a speech without -- so she is a beautiful black woman who just happens to be severely unqualified to be vice president. [cheering and applause] now, hold on. i'm glad and scottish, okay? so if i went to scotland and i was invited to a dinner, which i have been, and i showed up in the traditional gown, no one would be like, he's scottish, he's not black any more! that's not when they'd say. wow, that big black guy is in a scottish kilt. cool. again, it's irrelevant. she claims to be indian one time and this, whatever. you fall for that, you lose.

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that's the problem. all this started when trump was the own one who showed up at that black event. only one. kamala didn't show up. biden didn't show up. they were both invited. they made them wait for an hour and a half. what was the first question? attacking her color because they needed a sound bite. so what they're doing is if you're a republican and you're asked to go on a tv show and that's the question they ask you, you get up and you leave because that's not what i'm here for. they did it so he fell in the trap. am i the only one that's stupid? if you go -- for example, kat's polish. if i'm invited to speak to polish journalists and i'm going to talk about what? polish jobs. you're in a room about black americans and he came to talk about black jobs. i'm sorry. what was he supposed to talk about? asian jobs? like, don't fall for the trap. just step back and say i'm not participating. >> greg: kat, what is a polish job? [ laughter ]

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>> there's been a few of them. there's been me. there was that pope. [ laughter ] >> greg: that's true. he was a great pope. there are other polish people, aren't there? there's some famous polish people. >> name six polish people! >> greg: god, if i could think of one polish rock bands, that would be four people. what makes a polish sausage polish? >> it's polish. like, it's -- where polish people eat. what are you talking about? >> greg: i don't know. i'm still thinking about tyrus in a kilt. >> you know what, smart ass, i'm going to wear one this week! >> greg: all right. i don't know where i am in this segment. so, kat, continue. welcome back and congratulations on expecting a child. >> thank you. ! [cheering and applause] i mostly did it so we would have new material for intros. >> greg: that's good. you will be complaining for two

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now. >> very glad. when's your next vacation? okay. so i don't think... i agree with tyrus. i don't think that this is a great thing for republicans to be focusing on. it's fun when trump says stuff. i said this last week, it's fun when trump says stuff like this. it's fun for republicans when they see clips like this. what is not black right now is a lot of people's financials. >> greg: it's in the red! >> a lot of people are in the red, and i think the more time spent talking about this, the hugely missed opportunity there is to talk about that which is something that it doesn't matter what race you are, everybody cares about their money. >> greg: exactly. green. >> i mean, it's scary. people are having a tough time affording things that they need right now. so i think that the more anyone's going to focus on that, the better that that will be for

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them. >> greg: well put! tyler... love your little baby gap truck driver outfit. [ laughter ] >> well, you know... [ laughter ] >> it's because i can't afford adult clothes! i can't afford staying on topic! >> greg: what would trump have to say about kamala's qualifications? >> well, you know, she's flip-flopping greg. she is are flip-flops, and indian people and blacks wear flip-flops which is good. she went from it from hand maid sam samosas. she went from chicken curry to steph curry just like that and she's very close to using the n word, and i'm talking about neurodivergent because she's the first autistic hyena in the position to take office. so i think that's what he would say.

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i think we're all losing this. this feels like one big biden impression. it feels like a dementia flare-up today. >> greg: so what do you have to say about this? is this just the beginning of this fawning relationship with kamala or is it petering out? i'm trying to figure out, they can't sustain this forever. >> i think this is great for her. it's all she has really. she's, like -- i have something special about me because it's certainly not my speaking skills. she can't give a speech. she can't give a teleprompter speech. she can't talk about their accomplishments. she has nothing else. i think to tyrus's points, republicans are just handing her a win here because every time you talk about this, you're lifting up some of the greatest features that she has. outside of that, politically she's got nothing for us, she's got nothing for the american people. her policies are horrible. that's exactly what we need to focus on. we need to stop giving her wins. she keeps soaring and everybody

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is, i'm wondering what kamala thinks. she never speaks. she never has to. we're doing it all for her. >> greg: you've got to come at her. >> president biden said she was ready day one, okay, and they had to hide his illnesses because she was not ready otherwise she'd be in the job right now. that's all you need to know. they would rather have someone with dementia in front of her than her be driving the car, period. [applause] >> greg: there you go! up next, she planned biden's betrayal and pushes his rushmore portrayal. >> click on the link to join our studio audience! (♪) you know, you only get one body. it might be the perfect size to do this. your body may take up a lot of space.

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♪ it's coming your way ♪ ♪ hey, hey ♪ ♪ it's video of the day ♪ [applause] >> greg: the man she forced out the door she now wants on mount rushmore. our video of the day comes to us from nancy pelosi who told cbs news that joe biden should be added to mount rushmore. roll it! >> top of his game, such a consequential president of the united states, a mount rushmore kind of president of the united states. >> would you say that he belongs up there on mount rushmore? lincoln and joe biden. >> but you've got teddy roosevelt up there and he's wonderful. i don't say take him down but you can add biden. >> greg: yeah. you know, adding biden to mount rushmore, she might be on to something. it is, after all, a burial

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ground. >> well played. >> greg: thank you. tyler, what do you think trump would say about this whole thing? do you think trump would be pissed off that he's not on mount rushmore? >> yeah. i think he would say come on -- one day i just want to have him out here. >> greg: are you now tired of doing trump impressions? i want to be known for my other work! >> i'm getting laid so much for doing it... my hands are tired. [laughter] well, i think, frankly if biden was up there i think in one month the whole thing should crumble just like his mental health. but i don't think the word "rush" and "biden" should be in the same sentence. if it was mount slowmore or mount i just crapped my pants more. fun fact, so actually the first 0.2 miles to get there is a handicapped accessible trail.

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the last half mile is 422 steps so i think in honor of him you'd have to fall up the steps to get there. i'd say at the most name the handicapped part of the trail after biden, the biden handicap beginning portion of the rushmore monument trail. [applause] >> greg: so you could -- joe biden could do mount rushmore and hunter biden could be mount thing... >> the rock would crumble and then you could do a line of it in the parking lot. >> greg: what's funny, tutor, everybody knows nancy was involved in stabbing him in the back. so this is like one of those things once you get somebody out of their way you do a nice wonderful speech about them. they give them a gold pocket watch and push them out the door. >> this is what i imagine murder is like in high society. you're like, oh, it was so tragic how he went but we should

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give him a lifetime achievement award. my wine glass is empty, could a servant please get me your wine and make sure you're wearing a mask? leslie stall was clearly, are you going there? her face said it all. she's not high society enough to be with nancy pelosi. >> greg: you know, kat, do you think pelosi doesn't give a [bleep]? she had this feeling of, like, you know what, i'm going to say whatever i want to say. i'm 80, i might be even 90. i don't remember. >> i can't believe that nobody else thinks this is funny because you're right. first of all, mount rushmore, isn't it for dead people? >> greg: you've got to be dead! >> i'd be a little offended. i'm still the president. you're talking about memorializing me! >> greg: jimmy carter is still alive! >> i'm not only still alive, i'm still the president.

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she did take it because everybody knows that she was involved in him not running any more. everybody knows that. he knows that. she knows that. she knows we know that. so then for her to go so far in the other direction that he should be on rushmore and that little smile she gives afterwards, it's like, yeah, and then she holds it. >> greg: yes. >> that is -- she knows what she's doing. she's having so much fun with it. and i never had, like, so much power, but if i was, like, drunk with power i might act like that. >> to be fair, i'm not sure her smile comes back that quickly. >> fair point. >> greg: tyrus, is she being calculated again? >> no, she's being hypocritical. i'm confused. i thought we were supposed to blow mount rushmore up because it was full of all these white oppressive slave owners. >> greg: now it's okay? >> now you have to put him in with the rest of the crew, the evil white guys? according to all them, those

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statues had to go. she didn't stab him in the back. she looked him dead in the eye, hand on the shoulder and she stuck him. as he was sitting there, she's like this is how it's going to do. saying outlandish compliments you know will never happen will let you know. tyrus is amazing. i hope one day he's an astronaut. >> greg: yes. >> knowing damn well i'll never fit in the plane or the helmet. you know what i'm sayin'? wow, thanks for giving me friends i can no longer attend. biden, he should be at the smithsonian. >> greg: it does remind me when they do retire the cafeteria lady who has been there for 35 years. >> and she needs 36 to get her pension. >> greg: but she's miserable but they have to get her out the

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door. >> they make a mashed potato sculpture for her. >> greg: we've got to move on. up next, we have rfk jr. to thank for a dead bear prank. this is a hot flash. this is a hot flash. but this is a not flash. for moderate to severe vasomotor symptoms due to menopause... ...veozah is the first and only prescription treatment that directly blocks a source of hot flashes and night sweats. with 100% hormone-free veozah... can have fewer hot flashes... ...and more not flashes. veozah reduces the number and severity of hot flashes day and night. don't use veozah if you have cirrhosis, severe kidney problems, kidney failure, or take cyp1a2 inhibitors. increased liver blood test values may occur. your doctor will check them before and during treatment. most common side effects include stomach pain, diarrhea, difficulty sleeping, and back pain. ask your doctor about

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is she? claritin clear. yeah. powerful allergy relief that won't make you drowsy. live claritin clear.® >> greg: rfk jr. dumped a dead bear in central park. i don't think i've ever said that before. [laughter] roll it. >> he really... the woman in the van in front of me hit a bear and killed it, a young bear. so i pulled over, and i picked up the bear and put him in the back of my van because i was going to skin the bear, and it was very good condition, and i was going to... and put the meat in my refrigerator and you can do that in new york if you've got a bear tag for a road kill bear.

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>> greg: road kill bear. i wonder if he then went hocking and had the bear in his car. >> so then we went hawking and i had the bear in my car, and then we had a really good day and we went late. we were catching a lot of game, and the people really loved it so we stayed late. instead of going back to my home in west chester, i had to go right to the city because there was a dinner at peter luker's steakhouse and at the end of the dinner, it was late and the car was in my car and i didn't want to leave the bear in my car because that would be bad so i said let's go put the bear in central park and we'll make it look like it got hit by a bike. >> greg: kat, i have to come to you. >> because why? >> greg: he sounds like somebody

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who is explaining a dream to, like, a therapist. i was at this restaurant and there was this bear! and then my grade school teacher showed up and i was late for work. it's so amazing. how can you not vote for that? >> my favorite part is not the story but the way in which he tells it which is as if we're all supposed to find it relatable. >> greg: yes! >> like, i hate when my dinner at a steakhouse runs so long that the dead bear in my car gets spoiled that i was going to skin for meat! >> greg: yes. >> i was, like, you too! of course! he was so worried his fingerprints were on it. luckily the story died. i guess he says he was trying to get out ahead of it. but i do think this is a kind of story where you would have plausible deniability because it's just so bizarre that if it

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was published somewhere else, you would be like, come on, do you really think i would take a bear carcass in to my car to skin and eat later and everybody would leave it alone. now... >> greg: tutor, why would you want to get out in front of this? just let it happen! >> nobody would believe it! >> i think it shows great commitment honestly. i'm like, how many times have you been sitting with your friends and all the guys are going i've got a great idea and all the girls are generally like, it's not a great idea, don't do it and they actually don't follow through with it. he followed through. he had to get to the airport and he still was, like, you know, i think we can get to this part of the park and not only did he have the bear in his car but he had the bike too. like, how resourceful! this is like dora's backpack. he finished it all and got to the airport. >> greg: he's like the opposite of hunter biden. he gets a lot of stuff done in one day.

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he began the day with falconry and ends it with dropping a bear in central park. he does more in a day than i do in a year! falconry! >> he called it hawking. after hearing that story, now the voice does like [bleep] up. you know what i'm sayin'? let's just call it what it is. listen, this is one of those stories you keep to yourself, you know what i'm sayin'? and at no point while he was making that god awful story that nobody cared about him in the room because if anybody did, they would have been like, hey, no more bear! stay off bear, okay? it was a horrible story. he's not a story teller. god already tried to tell him once by taking the voice away but he keeps going. no, no, you put it out there. if you want to be an opera singer and you don't sing well, we're allowed to say you don't

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sing good. >> greg: last word to you, tyler. >> first of all, i really recommend not making fun of the voice. it's very inappropriate. this is a true story. i ate dinner with roseanne right when he left and he told a story about a bad date and she fell asleep and went to bad and now i know why because she's getting this bear content from one of the kennedys! >> greg: her face during that whole thing was priceless. she looked like she was watching two space aliens mate. >> she looked like everybody on the plane had a parachute but her! [laughter] >> greg: all right. that was fun. coming up, when kamala opens her mouth, things quickly go south. (♪) [applause] how do you spell relief? r-o-l-a-i-d-s rolaids' dual-active formula begins to neutralize acid on contact.

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r-o-l-a-i-d-s spells relief.

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so you can stay in your home and enjoy the comforts of bathing again. so call now for more information and a free no obligation consultation. [ ♪♪ ] [ ♪♪ ] >> there is no better example of strength and resolve than

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the world! [cheering and applause] >> greg: when kamala explains, it hurts our brains as she puzzles a nation when explaining inflation. this week on kamala explains the world, she tackles the topics we know we need to know more about like, of course, inflation. did you know inflation is when prices have gone up? >> prices have gone up. and families and individuals are dealing with the realities of that bread costs more, that gas costs more, and we have to understand what that means. that's about the cost of living going up. that's about having to stress and stretch limited resources. that's about a source of stress for families that is not only economic but is on a daily level something that is a heavy weight to carry.

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>> greg: that is amazing. amazing. a heavy weight to carry unlike her hollow skull! inflation prices go up, cost of living goes up. she's also an i.t. expert. did you know it's no longer necessary to keep private files in some file cabinet that's locked in the basem*nt? >> no longer are you necessarily keeping those private files in some file cabinet that's locked in the basem*nt of the house. it's on your laptop and it's then therefore up here in this cloud that exists above us, right? it's no longer in a physical place. >> greg: again, i'm not saying she's not drunk or drunk. i don't know what i'm saying but being a woman, what's that all about? >> as a woman, there is a balance to be struck between being tough and being a bitch. [laughter]

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turn that off! [laughter] >> greg: oh, yeah. >> where's my drink! >> greg: she should work on the balance between two glasses of wine and drinking the whole dam box! tutor, is this just her personality or is she a wino? >> i think, no, wino would be an excuse for her but it's so depressing for other women. we watch this and we're like, please don't think that's what vice presidents would be like if they were women. we are not all like this. this is embarrassing. she looks down and she's reading it and somebody wrote that for her and she actually read it. i will not forget when joe biden called in as the voice of god in to her little rally, i'm handing it off to you, he called her kiddo. that was all we needed to hear.

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he does not take her seriously because she acts like a fool. [applause] >> greg: do you think she's drunk? >> as i said before, beautiful black woman! [laughter] she is a beautiful black woman. she's a beautiful black woman. [laughter] back to you, greg. >> greg: tyler, i leave it to you. could trump explain those topics better because you will never be able to do a kamala impression, will you. >> well, first she talks like she has dog [bleep] on her hands. >> greg: yeah. >> and then she forgets that she hasn't washed them.

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i want to see her teach sex ed. >> there's some vagin*s that are small and some that are big, big enough to fit a yellow school bus. >> greg: terrible! >> you know what, i realized that is the official hand signal. whenever they talk, their hands come up and they're still reading. but for some reason from reading from the notebook with no answers to here, there's a disconnect. i think the hands are trying to remember what they just read. if you look at 'em all... >> greg: she's like the worst mime. >> or is it the puppet strings above that get tangled up. >> greg: kat, last word to you. do you feel like you learn anything when you listen to her or does it matter because she's just having fun? you go, girl! >> yeah, i am not big on attacking anybody for their past sexual behavior. i don't think that's a winning

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strategy. i'm not interested in it. i think that playing clips like this, i think it makes sense what you talked earlier about how they're not really letting her talk very much. she is basically a media narrative right now because even when she's going well because i think most women can relate to, for example, being worried about being perceived as being a bitch when you stand up for yourself. when i cannot relate to is the manic whippet laugh after that. when you save something on your computer, it's not in a physical place any more? i think we were all clear on that, right? i know that was in 2010, but when i hit save that a paper popped up and it was in a box in my basem*nt. she is at this point -- we've not heard very much from her. you see what happens when we do. >> greg: you know it's so funny because for the longest time when i would drag a file to the trash can, i would look to see

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where it went. where on the other side of the computer is the little crinkled piece of paper? >> you opened it up looking for the -- isn't that in "zoolander?" >> without the computer! >> maybe she had just watched it. i don't know. >> greg: up next, why we can't stop staring at what this dude was wearing. [cheering and applause] always dry scoop before you run. listen to me, the hot dog diet got me shredded. it's time we listen to science. one a day is formulated with key nutrients to support whole body health. one a day. science that matters. did you know your skin barrier is more receptive to skincare at night? olay super serum night repair. delivers five benefits in one. visibly renewing surface skin cells while you sleep. you'll see visible results in 7 nights. olay.

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>> et cetera, et cetera, you guessed it! et cetera! >> greg: welcome to "et cetera," a continuation of a story we talked about earlier. i was interested in this and we glossed over it. i want to talk about the fashion choices of this reporter who went to the barber shop. so, kat, how long do you think he spent trying to figure out what to wear to the barber shop? did he decide should i wear the michael jordan shirt? maybe the vintage wu-tang shirt. do you think the price tag is still on the shirt? >> i can't believe i didn't notice that! [laughter] that is the most embarrassing...

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i'm so embarrassed for him! i have that -- i want to crawl inside my own body right now. who told you to wear that? or was it your own idea? >> greg: should he have not worn the sport coat, tyrus? >> no, no, no. he was right wearing the sports coat to remind everybody how white he is. listen, this is what happens when you work for cnn. >> greg: is that the look of a reporter -- yeah, cbs? >> i'm embarrassed! >> somebody told him, listen, you're going to go in a barber shop today so you need to blacken it up. we've got michael jordan. they like michael jordan, right? yeah, i think so. we'll go with michael jordan. what's the most neutral color they won't attack? white coat. they'll see jordan. they'll show respect, they'll get angry. the only thing he didn't do was sit down and ask for a hair cut. can i get a fade, fellas?

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this is how out of touch they are. and then when they go there to get an interview, the brothers did not play along. i'm willing to bet they tried to coach them before the interview and that they had some fun with him. is she black to you? i don't know. is she to you? i don't know, dog, is she half black? i think they had a really good time with miami vice over here, but... >> greg: miami mice! >> and then afterwards he was like, hey, guys, you want to get something to eat, maybe hit hooters or appleby's and they're like get the [bleep] out! >> greg: they should sell at stores little portable gold teeth so when reporters go in to barber shops they could put a little gold tooth in. >> i thought he could import some hennessey out for some fallen bros. i understand pandering. i have woke fans and conservative fans. that's why i stormed the capitol in a tesla. >> greg: also the hat adds 2

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inches. >> yes, it does. [laughter] >> greg: tutor, what say you? >> oh, gosh. i'm hoping that he has, like, a good on-line dating company and some girls take pity on him. i think that's his only chance right now. maybe we start a gofundme for him. i don't know. it's sad. >> greg: i think that it was -- like, he spent time and had to figure out what do i wear? >> these guys are going to love me! >> greg: yes, what do i wear. by the way, the guy's probably going through enough pain as it is. i'll just add to it. all right, don't go away. we'll be right back. ir, get one free at visionworks! how can you see me squinting? i can't! i'm just telling everyone!...hey! buy one pair, get one free for back to school. visionworks. see the difference. before apoquel chewable for allergic itch. giving dogs pills was a battle of wits. oh, maria, i'm wise to your foolish game. is it gone? totally gone.

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8:00 pm

they'd rather name a team after socks! to be fair, we're not very athletic. did i read this? did i get eggs? where are my keys? memory and thinking issues keep piling up? it may be due to a buildup of amyloid plaques in the brain. visit >> greg: thank you, tyler, fisher, tutor dixon, studio audience! fox news @ night is up next with trace gallagher! [cheering and applause] >> trace: good evening. i'm trace gallagher. it's 11 p.m. on the east coast. 8 o'clock here in los angeles, and this i

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