NHC Track and Intensity Models (2024)

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Climatology | Names | Wind Scale | Extremes | Models | Breakpoints

Updated 11 June 2019

The term "forecast model" refers to any objective tool used to generate a prediction of a future event, such as the state of the atmosphere. The National Hurricane Center (NHC) uses many models as guidance in the preparation of official track and intensity forecasts. The most commonly used models at NHC are summarized in the tables below.

Forecast models vary tremendously in structure and complexity. They can be simple enough to run in a few seconds on an ordinary computer, or complex enough to require a number of hours on a supercomputer. Dynamical models, also known as numerical models, are the most complex and use high-speed computers to solve the physical equations of motion governing the atmosphere. Statistical models, in contrast, do not explicitly consider the physics of the atmosphere but instead are based on historical relationships between storm behavior and storm-specific details such as location and date. Statistical-dynamical models blend both dynamical and statistical techniques by making a forecast based on established historical relationships between storm behavior and atmospheric variables provided by dynamical models. Trajectory models move a tropical cyclone (TC) along based on the prevailing flow obtained from a separate dynamical model. Finally, ensemble or consensus models are created by combining the forecasts from a collection of other models.

Table 1. Summary of global and regional dynamical models for track, intensity, and wind radii.

ATCF ID Global/Regional
Model Name
Vertical Levels
and Coordinates
Convective Scheme Cycle/Run Frequency NHC Forecast
NVGM/NVGI Navy Global Environmental Model Spectral (~31km) 60 Hybrid Sigma-pressure NAVDAS-AR 4D-VAR Simplified Arakawa Schubert 6 hr (144 hr)
00/06/12/18 UTC
Track and intensity
Global Forecast System (FV3-GFS) Finite Volume Cube Sphere (~13km) 64 Hybrid Sigma-pressure GSI/4D-VAR EnKF hybrid Simplified Arakawa Schubert 6 hr (240 hr)
00/06/12/18 UTC
Track and intensity
*EMX/EMXI/EMX2 European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts Spectral (~9km) 137 Hybrid Sigma-pressure 4D-VAR Tiedke mass flux 12 hr (240 hr)
00/12 UTC
Track and intensity
EGRR/EGRI/EGR2 U.K. Met Office Global Model Grid point (~10 km) 70 Hybrid Sigma-pressure 4D-VAR Ensemble Hybrid UKMET 12 hr (144 hr)
00/12 UTC
Track and intensity
CMC/CMCI Canadian Deterministic Prediction System Grid point (~25 km) 80 Hybrid Sigma-pressure 4D-VAR Ensemble Hybrid Kain-Fritsch 12 hr (240 hr)
00/12 UTC
Track and intensity
HWRF/HWFI Hurricane Weather Research and Forecast system Nested Grid point (13.5-4.5-1.5km) 75 Hybrid Sigma-pressure 4D-VAR Hybrid GDAS GFS IC/BC Simplified Arakawa Schubert + GFS shallow convection (6 and 18km) 1.5km nest - none 6 hr (126 hr)
00/06/12/18 UTC
Runs on request from NHC/JTWC
Track and intensity
CTCX/CTCI NRL COAMPS-TC w/ GFS initial and boundary conditions Nested Grid point (45-15-5 km) 42 Hybrid Sigma-pressure 3D-VAR (NAVDAS) EnKF DART Kain-Fritsch 6 hr (126 hr)
00/06/12/18 UTC
Runs commence on 1st NHC/JTWC advisory
Track and intensity
HMON/HMNI Hurricane Multi-scale Ocean-coupled Non-hydrostatic model Nested Grid point (18-6-2km) 51 Hybrid Sigma-pressure GFS IC/BC Simplified Arakawa Schubert + GFS shallow convection (6 and 18km) 2km nest - none 6 hr (126 hr)
00/06/12/18 UTC
Runs on request from NHC/JTWC
Track and intensity

* Public Access to these models is restricted due to agreements with the data provider.

Table 2. Summary of ensembles and consensus aids for track and intensity.

ATCF ID Model Name or Type Horizontal Resolution Vertical Levels
and Coordinates
Pertubation or Consensus Methods Cycle/Run Frequency Ensemble Members NHC Forecast
AEMN/AEMI Global Ensemble Forecast System ~33 km for 1st 192 hr
~55 km for 192-384 hr
64 Hybrid Sigma-pressure GSI/3D-VAR EnKF hybrid 20 of 80 6 hr DA system hybrid EnKF members per cycle 6 hr (384 hr)
00/06/12/18 UTC
20 Track
*UEMN/UEMI U.K. Met Office MOGREPS ~20 km 70 Hybrid Sigma-pressure 4D-VAR EnKF hybrid 44 member EnKF 12 hr (168 hr)
00/12 UTC
11 Track
*EEMN/EMN2 ECMWF EPS ~18 km 91 Hybrid Sigma-pressure 4D-VAR Leading singluar vectors based initial pertubations 12 hr (360 hr)
00/12 UTC
50 Track
*FSSE Florida State Super Ensemble Corrected consensus 6 hr (120 hr)
00/06/12/18 UTC
Track and Intensity
*HCCA HFIP Corrected Consensus Approach Corrected consensus 6 hr (120 hr)
00/06/12/18 UTC
*GFEX 2 model consensus Simple consensus 6 hr (120 hr)
00/06/12/18 UTC
(Atlantic) (TVCA)
Variable consensus Simple consensus, minimum 2 members 6 hr (120 hr)
00/06/12/18 UTC
(E. Pacific) (TVCE)
Variable consensus Simple consensus, minimum 2 members 6 hr (120 hr)
00/06/12/18 UTC
TVCX Variable consensus Simple consensus, minimum 2 members, double-weighted EMXI 6 hr (120 hr)
00/06/12/18 UTC
RVCN Wind Radii Consensus Multi-model wind radii, bias corrected initial wind 6 hr (120 hr)
00/06/12/18 UTC
ICON Intensity consensus Simple consensus, all 4 must be present 6 hr (120 hr)
00/06/12/18 UTC
IVCN Intensity variable consensus Simple consensus, minimum 2 members 6 hr (120 hr)
00/06/12/18 UTC

* Public Access to these models is restricted due to agreements with the data provider.

Table 3. Summary of statistical models for track, intensity, and wind radii.

ATCF ID Model Name or Type Comments Prediction Methodology Cycle/Run Frequency NHC Forecast
CLP5 (OCD5) CLIPER5 Climatology and Persistence Used to measure skill in a set of track forecasts Multiple regression technique. Inputs are current and past TC motion (previous 12-24hr), forward motion, date, latitude/longitude, and initial intensity 6 hr (120 hr)
00/06/12/18 UTC
SHF5/DSF5 (OCD5) Decay-SHIFOR5 Statistical Hurricane Intensity Forecast Used to measure skill in a set of intensity forecasts, includes land decay rate component Multiple regression technique using climatology and persistence predictors 6 hr (120 hr)
00/06/12/18 UTC
TCLP Trajectory-CLIPER Used to measure skill in a set of track or intensity forecasts Substitute for CLIPER and SHIFOR; similar predictors but uses trajectories based on reanalysis fields instead of linear regression 6 hr (168 hr)
00/06/12/18 UTC
Track and intensity
DRCL Wind Radii CLIPER Statistical parametric vortex model Employs climatology with the paramaters determined from 13 coefficients and persistence to produce 34-kt, 50-kt, 64-kt wind radii estimates 6 hr (168 hr)
00/06/12/18 UTC
Wind radii
SHIP Statistical Hurricane Intensity Prediction Scheme Statistical-dynamical model based on standard multiple regression techniques Climatology, persistence, environmental atmosphere parameters, and an ocean component 6 hr (168 hr)
00/06/12/18 UTC
DSHP Decay-Statistical Hurricane Intensity Prediction Scheme Statistical-dynamical model based on standard multiple regression techniques Climatology, persistence, environmental atmosphere parameters, oceanic input, and an inland decay component 6 hr (168 hr)
00/06/12/18 UTC
LGEM Logistic Growth Equation Model Statistical intensity model based on a simplified dynamical prediction framework A subset of SHIPS predictors, ocean heat content, and variability of the environment used to determine growth rate maximum wind coefficient 6 hr (168 hr)
00/06/12/18 UTC

Early versus Late Models

Numerous objective forecast aids (guidance models) are available to help the NHCHurricane Specialists in the preparation of their official track and intensity forecasts. Guidance models are characterized aseither early or late, depending on whether or not they are available to the Hurricane Specialist during the forecast cycle.For example, consider the 1200 UTC (12Z) forecast cycle, which begins with the 12Z synoptic time and ends with the release of theofficial forecast at 15Z. The 12Z run of the NWS/Global Forecast System (GFS) model is not complete and available to the forecasteruntil about 16Z, or about an hour after the forecast is released – thus the 12Z GFS would be considered a late model since it couldnot be used to prepare the 12Z official forecast.

Multi-layer dynamical models are generally, if not always, late models. Fortunately, a technique can be used to take the latest available run of a late model and adjust its forecast to apply to the currentsynoptic time and initial conditions. In the example above, forecast data for hours 6-126 from the previous (06Z) run of theGFS would be adjusted, or shifted, so that the 6-h forecast (valid at 12Z) would exactly match the observed 12Z position andintensity of the tropical cyclone. The adjustment process creates an "early" version of the GFS model for the 12Z forecast cyclethat is based on the most current available guidance. The adjusted versions of the late models are known, for historical reasons, asinterpolated models.

Interpreting Forecast Models

NHC provides detailed information on the verification of its past forecasts with a yearly verification report (https://www.nhc.noaa.gov/verification/verify3.shtml). On average, NHC official forecasts usually have smaller errors than any of the individual models. An NHC forecast reflects consideration of all available model guidance as well as forecaster experience. Therefore, users should consult the official forecast products issued by NHC and local National Weather Service Forecast Offices rather than simply look at output from the forecast models themselves. Users should also be aware that uncertainty exists in every forecast, and proper interpretation of the NHC forecast must incorporate this uncertainty. NHC forecasters typically discuss forecast uncertainty in the Tropical Cyclone Discussion (TCD) product. NHC also prepares probabilistic forecasts that incorporate forecast uncertainty information (https://www.nhc.noaa.gov/aboutnhcprobs.shtml).


The National Weather Service produces some of the models used by the National Hurricane Center. These models are run by NOAA/NWS National Centers for Environmental Prediction (NCEP) Central Operations (NCO). Output images from the NOAA/NWS models can be found through NCEP's Model Analyses and Guidance (MAG) interface. Raw data from the models can be found through the NOAA Operational Model Archive and Distribution System (NOMADS).

Other model background information

Read about the Inland Wind Model and the Maximum Envelope Of Winds

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NHC Track and Intensity Models (2024)


What is the most accurate hurricane intensity model? ›

This makes HWRF the highest resolution hurricane model ever implemented for operations in the National Weather Service. Overall, HWRF has improved its intensity prediction skills by a minimum of 40% to 60%.

What models does NHC use? ›

NHC uses the GFDL hurricane model as one of its main sources of forecast guidance.

What is the difference between HWRF and Ecmwf? ›

ECMWF's atmospheric and wave models run every six hours; Hurricane Intensity Forecasting: The HWRF model is specifically designed to provide more accurate intensity forecasts for hurricanes and tropical storms.

How often do they update hurricane models? ›

Every six hours NHC will issue updated text and graphics — all available on hurricanes.gov — that include track and intensity forecasts for the next five days, storm surge watches and warnings, coastal tropical storm and hurricane watches and warnings for wind, along with the chances of and time of arrival of tropical ...

Is the GFS or Euro model more accurate? ›

Most of the time, the European model is the most accurate. For example, the Euro was the first model that showed the southward shift of the storm on Monday. Eventually, the other models followed. The GFS is a weather forecast model that collects data for land-soil and atmospheric variables.

Are spaghetti models accurate? ›

Spaghetti models provide a range of possible paths for a hurricane based on various weather models. Their accuracy can vary, but they are a valuable tool for tracking storms.

Which forecast model is most accurate? ›

ECMWF. The European Center for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts (ECMWF) model is another global numerical weather prediction model that is highly regarded for its accuracy. It employs advanced data assimilation techniques and sophisticated numerical algorithms to simulate atmospheric processes.

How accurate is the GFS hurricane model? ›

The GFS has been better at reporting severe and extreme weather many times, but it also has not been a universally accurate source. GFS is trying to get better. Also to increase your confidence: both models also works with general accuracy of 95–96% for up to 12 hours, 85–95% for three days, and 65–80% for 10 days.

How accurate are NOAA hurricane predictions? ›

Over the last 23 years, the yearly number of Atlantic hurricanes has fallen within NOAA's predicted ranges only 53% of the time. In 2010, NOAA increased the width of their ranges, leading to a 71% accuracy rate. The accuracy rates for major hurricanes (Cat 3+) are 61% and 71%, respectively, for these same timeframes.

Does AccuWeather use ECMWF? ›

Nearly ten years ago, I helped AccuWeather.com launch our AccuWeather.com Professional service. I am now proud to announce the biggest upgrade since then: The full ECMWF model! That's right, it's the most accurate worldwide computer forecast model that you can't get anywhere else.

What is the best meteorology model? ›

The European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts model is highly regarded by meteorologists around the world. ECMWF's HRES model consistently rates as the top global weather model and offers a record breaking 9km resolution.

Which weather app is most accurate? ›

Our Top 10 Most Accurate Weather Apps Forecasting - Free and Paid:
  • The Weather Channel - Best Free Weather App Overall.
  • AccuWeather - Most Accurate Weather App.
  • WeatherBug - Best App for Free Weather Alerts.
  • Dark Sky - Best Weather App for iPhone.
  • Shadow Weather - Best Weather App for Android.

What is the best hurricane tracking model? ›

What are the best hurricane models to follow?
  • GFS: NOAA's Global Forecast System model.
  • EURO: The European Center for Medium-range Weather Forecasting (ECMWF) global forecast model.
  • HMON: Hurricanes in a Multi-scale Ocean-coupled Non-hydrostatic regional model (initialized using GFS data)
Aug 25, 2023

Which hurricane model is historically more accurate? ›

The HMON model was the clear top performer at all time periods except for one-day forecasts, when it was slightly outperformed by the COAMPS-TC model. The COAMPS-TC and LGEM models did poorly at four- and five-day forecasts. Most of the models had little bias, either high or low.

What is the best hurricane tracking site? ›

Hurricane Tracking
  • NOAA National Hurricane Center. The National Hurricane Center (NHC) is the trusted source for hurricane information. ...
  • NOAA GOES Satellite Imagery. ...
  • NOAA's nowCOAST. ...
  • Marine Weather Portal. ...
  • WeatherFlow StormTrack. ...
  • Real Time Florida Coastal Guidance.

Is the American or European model more accurate for hurricanes? ›

The European model had the lowest probability of correctly making a genesis forecast – near 20% – but had the fewest false alarms. The GFS correctly made genesis forecasts 20 – 25% of the time but had more false alarms.

What is the most accurate type of weather prediction model? ›

ECMWF. The European Center for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts (ECMWF) model is another global numerical weather prediction model that is highly regarded for its accuracy. It employs advanced data assimilation techniques and sophisticated numerical algorithms to simulate atmospheric processes.

How accurate is the CMC model? ›

The Canadian Model actually comes in second in accuracy with an accuracy correlation of 0.899. But NOAA's U.S. main model, called the Global Forecast System (GFS) is in third place at accuracy in this case. The five day accuracy is 0.894, and just slightly less accurate than the Canadian Model.


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