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The article was professionally consulted by Dr. CCII Nguyen Van Thai - Department of Otolaryngology and Head and Neck Surgery, Vinmec Danang International General Hospital. Thai doctor has more than 17 years of treatment experience, especially in the field of Head and Neck Surgery.
About 70-80% of the causative agent of pharyngitis is caused by a virus. The patient can recover on his own if he takes care of himself and has good resistance. However, about 20-30% of people with pharyngitis can be caused by a streptococcal infection, which can lead to complications leading to rheumatic heart disease.
1. What is pharyngitis?
Pharyngitis is a common infection that causes a sore throat. The patient will experience discomfort when his or her throat is sore or burning, especially when swallowing. Usually the disease will go away on its own after a week without leaving any damage or sequelae. However, in some cases, a long-term sore throat can be a warning sign of dangerous complications.
2. Causes of disease
The main cause of sore throat is due to the action of viruses and bacteria. It is estimated that about 80% of sore throat cases are caused by viruses, mainly rhinoviruses, adenoviruses, respiratory syncytial viruses, influenza, and measles. The remaining cases are caused by streptococci, staphylococcus, pneumococcus, ... caused.
In addition to the main cause above, pharyngitis often occurs by two factors:
Personal factors:
Problems with oral hygiene are not regular, improper, causing harmful bacteria to have the opportunity to reside in the mouth. oral cavity makes infection more likely. The phenomenon of stomach acid overflowing into the esophagus causes heartburn, when stomach acid is refluxed, it will cause a lot of irritation to the throat. Drinking alcoholic beverages, foods that are too spicy, hard or processed by salting, frying, baking, ... will create a hard mass that rubs against the throat, causing the throat to be scratched and painful. Some diseases related to the respiratory tract and digestive system such as: peptic ulcer disease, esophageal reflux disease, allergic disease, ... can also be the cause of long-term sore throat. Environmental factors:
Air pollution such as smoke, tobacco smoke, mold, industrial emissions, ... is an important cause of respiratory diseases in general, pharyngitis said. private. The most erratic weather changes, especially at the time of season change, cause sore throat, especially when the patient does not know how to keep warm. The issue of food hygiene and safety has also not been paid enough attention. Many types of unhygienic foods and drinks, containing many bacteria, are also the cause of sore throat.
3. When is it dangerous to seek medical attention?
Swelling of the neck or tongue Swelling and pain in the neck is usually caused by inflamed lymph nodes there. Swollen lymph nodes can be caused by tonsillitis or the flu. Lymphadenopathy can also be a symptom of cancer, HIV infection, lupus erythematosus, or syphilis.
Like a swollen neck, the cause of a swollen tongue with a sore throat is usually inflammation, such as pharyngitis, tonsillitis, strep throat, or laryngitis. These severe cases of sore throat all need to see a specialist for immediate treatment.
Sore throat with rash A skin rash with a sore throat is often a sign of illnesses that are common in children, such as chickenpox, measles, and rubella.
These illnesses are serious, experts warn, and can lead to secondary infections and even death.
Sore throat with high fever Sore throat is often accompanied by fever, especially in young children when infected with bacteria or viruses. With infants and young children, fever symptoms are absolutely not subjective but must always be carefully monitored.
If the child's body temperature exceeds 37 degrees Celsius or when there is no thermometer and parents suspect that the child has a fever, take the child to the doctor immediately. Fever if not treated promptly can lead to serious complications such as convulsions.
Stiff neck A stiff neck accompanied by a sore throat is a sign of meningitis. It occurs when the membranes surrounding the brain and nervous system in the spine become inflamed. People with meningitis often find it difficult to bend their head to move their chin toward their chest.
Meningitis is a serious illness that requires immediate medical attention. Other symptoms of meningitis include fever, nausea, vomiting, and sensitivity to light.
Sore throat with drooling Drooling with sore throat can be a sign that the person has a severe sore throat. At that time, the patient needs to be treated quickly, especially in young children. Difficulty swallowing can lead to dehydration and other health complications.
In addition to some of the above signs, when you see a white tongue moss pharyngitis; lasts more than 7 days; blood in the saliva or sputum; sore throat with jaw joint pain or ear pain; Joint pain requires immediate medical attention to limit more serious conditions.
4. Treatment and prevention of sore throat
4.1. Sore throat treatment A sore throat usually goes away on its own. Your doctor may prescribe paracetamol to reduce fever and pain. Your doctor will only prescribe antibiotics such as penicillin if they suspect you have a sore throat caused by a bacterial infection.
Medicines used to treat sore throats include:
Pain relievers: A sore throat caused by a virus usually does not require treatment. Your condition should improve within 5-7 days. However, due to discomfort, you may also sometimes need to be treated with pain relievers as directed by your doctor. Antibiotics: Antibiotics are often prescribed to treat sore throat caused by bacteria. Each antibiotic prescribed by your doctor should be used as scheduled, even though your sore throat symptoms have improved. This helps prevent the bacteria from spreading to other parts of the body. Besides, the living habits help you limit the progression of sore throat. You can control your sore throat well by the following ways:
Gargle with warm salt water Drink plenty of warm water, avoid drinking cold, iced water Stop drinking alcohol or alcohol Do not smoke Leaves, stay away from polluted or smoky environments Wash your hands often before eating and after coming into contact with patients with sore throat. avoid infecting others 4.2. How to prevent sore throat Although there are many causes of sore throat, there are ways to help prevent it:
Always wash your hands after using the toilet or touching objects in public. Avoid sharing food, drinks, and personal items. Avoid smoking and secondhand smoke. Avoid allergenic sources. Always keep your body warm when the seasons change. Sore throat is a common disease, everyone can get it at least once in their life. See your doctor immediately if you have a persistent sore throat or any of the above abnormalities.
Otolaryngology Specialist - Vinmec International General Hospital specializes in examining and treating common ENT diseases such as: rhinitis, sinusitis, tonsillitis, sore throat, tinnitus, non-allergic rhinitis response, throat cancer; tumors of the head, face and neck, congenital malformations of the ear, nose and throat area by common surgical methods.
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