Uncovering The Secrets Of Farming Headhunter Or Mageblood In POE 3.24 SSF League (2024)

  • A Deep Dive Into Anoint-Only Passives That May Be Introduced In POE 3.25 Settlers Of Kalguur

    With the release date of Path of Exile 3.25 approaching, the developers have released another trailer that has caught everyone’s attention. Through the trailer, we can see that Settlers of Kalguur will add many new secret notables that can only be obtained by anointing them.

    In this guide, we will explore what new notables will appear in the upcoming new league based on the preview. Let’s get started!

    Prismatic Oil

    First of all, in this trailer, the developers showed a new Prismatic Oil that can only be obtained from rewards in Blight and Blight-Ravaged maps. This means that you can’t find it from Oil Chests dropped in Blight that appear on normal maps, but only from Blight and Blight-Ravaged maps.

    It’s worth noting that now that they’ve changed the recipes for some of the anoints in the game, all Anoint-Only Passive Skills will now use these Prismatic Oils as part of the anointment recipe.

    What Are Anoint-Only Passive Skills?

    Some players may not understand how Anoint-Only Passive Skills work. In fact, certain unique items and Amulets can be “anointed” with oils from Blight League mechanic, which allows you to get a specific notable anywhere in the passive tree without a special path to get to it.

    There are some very interesting passive skills that have been in the game for a long time and have been around since Blight League, but many of them have been forgotten by many players. So let’s take a look at some of Anoint-Only Passive Skills that are worth your attention now.

    For example, Hardened Scars can increase life recovery from Life Flasks and grant you 25% less damage during the effect of Life Flasks.

    This skill is powerful on a Pathfinder with a Master Surgeon or Aspect of Stone. It grants an extremely rare stat chance to avoid physical damage from being hit, and a good portion of it is able to reduce physical damage by 20%.

    Another one is my personal favorite Anoint Passive Skill, Persistence. It can grant a large amount of flat Physical Damage Reduction, depending on your level. Especially in POE 3.25, when you combine it with armor and extra PDR, it can greatly reduce most of the damage from small and medium physical hits. This means that if you want to be a fairly strong tank, investing enough POE Currency in your armor is essential!

    New Anoint-Only Passives

    The pleasant surprise is that they are likely to add more of these Anoint-Only Passives in POE 3.25. Because in the trailer they showed two of these new Notables.


    Among them, Incorporeal will make Elusive expire 50% slower than normal. Unlike most buffs in POE, the effect of Elusive will fade over time, at a rate of 20% per second until the effect decays to 0%. This makes the duration of Elusive depend on the effect of its buff. Skill effect duration modifiers do not affect the duration of Elusive, but the buff does.

    With Incorporeal, instead of having to reduce the effect all the way to 0% to remove Elusive, it will be removed when the effect reaches 20%. This means you can still enjoy some of the benefits of Elusive, and you can also reapply it after it is stripped, and a 50% slower expiration modifier is pretty good.

    In this case, it means that when the buff is first applied, you will be able to benefit from the more efficient Elusive effect for a longer period of time, which is very useful for things like Nightblade Support.

    Mixed Munitions

    The second new Anoint-Only Passive shown off in this preview is Mixed Munitions, which will increase Cooldown Recovery Rate for throwing Traps for each Mine Detonated Recently.

    Now, while this Passive mechanic may seem odd and certainly niche, there is a synergy you can exploit to maximize its effects, namely throwing Mines to Detonate and then throwing Traps.

    The reason you want to exploit this synergy first is because Mines have a base throwing speed of 0.3 seconds, which is half the base throwing speed of Traps, which is 0.6 seconds. Additionally, doing so will trigger Mines to throw Traps, which means they will automatically target enemies.

    The question, however, is which Traps you will use to benefit the most from CDR. One of the best choices might be the new Transfigured Gem, Seismic Trap of Swells, which can store six waves and has a base cooldown of only 0.75 seconds, which might be a perfect combination with this interaction.


    Unfortunately, I haven’t tested them in-game at this point. As I said before, these changes have me very excited not only for the new Anoint-Only Passives but also for everything else in POE 3.25.

    I have to say, the addition of many of the new Anoint-Only Passives is pretty exceptional. As you may have noticed, these Passives don’t usually look like the stuff you stumble upon on the regular Passive Skill Tree. That’s because they’re Anoint-Only, which gives the developers more design space to work on some really interesting new stuff.

    Anyway, I’m super excited about this new addition! What do you guys think? Let’s look forward to Settlers of Kalguur League!

  • Path of Exile 3.25 Settlers of Kalguur is about two weeks away from release, so perhaps it’s time to take a look at some of the potential buffs and nerfs that could be coming soon. Buckle up and let’s go!

    Possible Buffs

    Let’s start with the buffs.

    Ancestor Totem

    And Ancestor Totem is definitely at the top of our list of worthy buffs. Ancestor Totem creates an awkward playstyle for the melee. Since their inception, it’s been necessary for a normal melee build to maintain the buffs granted by Ancestral Warchief and Ancestral Protector to gain the increased melee damage and more attack speed buffs they each provide.

    And you can’t ignore these buffs either, they usually make up about 50% of the damage of a melee build together, so you need to maintain these buffs when you need to deal maximum damage.

    The problem is that these buffs are tied to Totem, and Totem can die very easily. There is a workaround for this with the constant buffs from Totem Mastery, but that’s just spending passive points to solve a problem that shouldn’t even exist. Even then, you’re just making the playstyle less annoying. That’s why I think Ancestor Totem is the first and most desperately needed buff in POE 3.25.

    Ever since the developer interview about POE 2 in January this year, changes to this mechanic have seemed very likely in the near future. I thought changes might come to POE 3.24, but it seems that this realization came a little too late in the development cycle to be included in Necropolis League.

    But in this interview, the developer group discussed the topic of Melee Totem in POE 2, and they seemed to finally realize that Ancestor Totem was a poor design and needed to be changed, even questioning why they were added in the first place.

    Finally, the devs also said that marking Ancestor Totem should be changed in POE 1, and revealed that the melee is a tier 1 feature they are looking to address in POE 3.25. So, combining these two pieces of information, I think changes to Ancestor Totem are coming sooner or later.

    Unique Items

    For the second buff prediction, my guess is that it will be a balance, buff, or even a rework of some unique items.

    The number of unique weapons that have completely fallen behind in terms of Power Creep over the past 10-15 leagues is incredible. While I do think that crafted weapons are better than unique weapons in most situations, the problem is that there are too many very interesting unique items in the game. It would be fun to build around these POE items if they weren’t completely crippling your build from the start.

    Some examples of unique weapons that I think should receive numerical buffs or more significant changes are Razor of the Seventh Sun, Fate of the Vaal, Yielding Mortality, Hegemony’s Era, Kaom’s Primacy, and Brain Rattler. Of course, the list could go on and on.

    The last unique weapon balancing was in POE 3.20 Forbidden Sanctum, but that one really only covered a few very rare or endgame weapons. Many of the more common and uncommon unique weapons have lost their place in the game and are in desperate need of balancing, and now is the time for that to happen.


    The last buff prediction in POE 3.25 is about Ascendancy changes. Once again, I think this will be melee-focused, with the obvious candidates here being Gladiator and Berserker. However, I think Raider and Assassin are also very realistic choices, especially if they decide to lean towards buffing Melee Dagger Archetype, which needs more support.

    Of these, Gladiator is the most in need of a rework of the four Ascendancy Classes, as its dual-wielding melee skills are too weak.

    We do know that GGG had a series of Ascendancy changes planned long before POE 3.21 Crucible league, but they felt that the changes were not polished enough at the time, so they withheld them. So I expect at least one Melee Ascendancy to be addressed in POE 3.25, and I’m betting on Gladiator.

    Possibly Nerfs

    Next, we have three nerf predictions.

    Detonate Dead

    Let’s start with Detonate Dead. DD’s popularity in Necropolis league has basically pushed this skill to its limit. As we all know, DD has been strong for a long time, but its play style has hindered its popularity in every league.

    In CoC Detonate Dead Of Chain Reaction Inquisitor build in Necropolis, the skill went from a two-button build to a one-button setup enough to make many people pick this skill up for the first time.

    Both Normal and Chain DD have very clear advantages over many other abilities, and can easily surpass other builds with minimal setup and equipment, which can save you a lot of POE Currency. Therefore, I expect Detonate Dead’s corpse explosion damage to be nerfed significantly.

    Overwhelm Modifiers

    Overwhelm component on monsters is something that became very apparent as early as Archnemesis modifiers for Kalandra League in POE 3.19.

    But even before that, the existence of something like 100% Overwhelm on Detonate Expedition Remnants simply didn’t make much sense when other offensive Monster modifiers included 15% Penetration on the same mechanic. The two modifiers were simply not equal in terms of power level.

    But Expedition isn’t the only culprit, as even a Common or Rare monster that appears anywhere in Path of Exile may come with a modifier that Overwhelms 30% physical damage reduction.

    Of course, more recently we have Lantern modifiers as part of the unskippable Necropolis League mechanic, which also includes Overwhelm modifiers on monsters, which stack.

    In addition to the pre-existing modifiers on the monsters on this map, Monster Overwhelm has always had an additional buff compared to other modifiers for reasons no one knows. This has led to a wide range of characters taking damage taken and converting it to other types as the preferred method of dealing physical damage hits in many builds. So I feel that Monster Overwhelm is likely to change in numbers or mechanics.

    Physical Damage Taken As

    The third and final nerf prediction is part of the same problem, and that is Physical Damage Taken As.

    As I just discussed, Physical Damage Taken As has long been an excellent way to deal physical damage hits, and this can be traced back to a few specific changes.

    First, the addition of Eldritch Implicit in POE 3.17, including Physical Damage Taken As on helmets, this change increased the total amount of stacks you can get from this slot. Because you can stack it with existing Explicit modifiers.

    In the same league, Dawnbreaker Unique Shield was introduced, providing more of this property from a gear slot that previously did not have any corrupted implicit.

    Then in POE 3.19, Lightning Coil and Cloak of Flame Body Armour were significantly buffed, providing a large amount of Damage Taken As, as their access to Physical Damage Taken As Modifiers has quietly increased over time.

    While the effectiveness of other methods of mitigating physical damage has waned or been left behind, I expect that either access to damage taken will be restricted by nerfing the values ​​of these modifiers, or the permissions to use these items will increase.


    That’s my summary of some of the buffs and nerfs that may appear in the new league. What are your predictions for POE 3.25 Settlers of Kalguur? Are there any more notable changes that didn’t make this list? Let’s wait and see!

  • Breaking Down The Hidden Message In POE 3.25 Settlers Of Kalguur Trailer!

    As this Necropolis League draws to a close, it also means it’s time to launch Path of Exile 3.25. The latest trailer released by developer GGG reveals that they have named the new league Settlers of Kalguur. The new league will be launched on both PC and consoles on July 26.

    As usual, Grinding Gear Games will be live showcasing the full version of the expansion a week before the league’s release, on July 18. At this event, we’ll get full details about the new league, including its new features and content and seasonal mechanics and any balance or quality of life changes coming in the update. But before the official release, let’s take a look at what hidden information is worth exploring in this trailer.

    New Quality Of Life Change

    First of all, it’s worth noting that one of the quality of life updates that has been announced is that reservation effects like Heralds and Auras will persist after death. This long-requested feature will allow you to participate in content without having to spend time reapplying all of your Heralds and Auras even if you die. However, if you forget to do this like I did, you will still die as a result.


    I’m curious what this new league mechanic is, and maybe we can find clues in the trailer.

    League Mechanics

    Because the name of POE 3.25 Settlers of Kalguur immediately reminded me of Settlers of Catan. So maybe some kind of resource management, or resource trading between settlements. Or maybe we’ll do an off-map mechanic like a mini-game. And I do think that off-map mechanics work better in Path of Exile recently.

    So I guess maybe there’s some City Builder inspiration here, you know, like Civilization or something like that, maybe a city building mechanic like a mini off-map mechanic.


    In addition, according to this short trailer, we also saw Faustus, the Fence, an NPC that exists in Rogue Harbor in the current version of the game, which is also an important part of Heist league mechanic.

    Faustus is the vendor that players used to trade Heist targets for Rogue’s Marker. It’s worth noting that selling Heist targets to other NPCs does not return any POE Currency.

    In the trailer, we see Faustus boarding a ship, with what appears to be a developing settlement in the background, including sheep, and a structure that looks like a windmill.

    With the introduction of ships and the possibility of visiting various islands, players may be able to embark on a journey to explore and plunder different islands, and perhaps even travel to a whole new continent. This creates a sense of anticipation and excitement for the upcoming League.

    In addition to this, we also spotted a lot of other NPCs in the trailer, including the leader of Expedition, Dannig, and the captain of Marylene of Rogue Harbor, who is obviously from Expedition.

    A lot of people have speculated whether all of NPCs we’ve seen before indicate changes to Expedition or Heist. But I don’t think so, and I think it’s actually a good idea for them to reuse these NPCs in future League mechanics, just like they did with this mechanic.

    Because the developers have already done animation work for these NPCs, and the backstory is already there, it also means that they can build on this more in the new alliance mechanism, and all they really need to do is make some new animations. So I think it’s a good idea to reuse these NPCs, and it looks like that’s one of the things they’re going to do.

    Will There Be A Reversal?

    But I will say that this trailer is a little strange to me, because it’s almost a little too picturesque, bright and colorful, which is a bit strange compared to the past.

    As a seasoned exile, it’s not hard to find that usually POE trailers are a bit ominous, but Settlers of Kalguur trailer is all bright and colorful, especially behind Faustus and Dannig, there are sheep, farmland and windmills, everything looks a little too beautiful.

    So I’m assuming that maybe something will happen, such as these settlements may be attacked by monsters, and the players need to react to this and then go to defend the settlements. In any case, I’m really looking forward to POE 3.25.

    Expansion Return?

    Another point that has caught a lot of players’ attention is the recent announcement’s return to the word “expansion”.

    In the past, Path of Exile has always introduced new bosses, crafting currency, and other significant game additions through expansions. However, GGG has stopped using the word “expansion” for several years.

    We noticed that the words "expansion" and "challenge league" were deliberately separated in this announcement, which has led to speculation about the size and scope of the upcoming POE 3.25 league.

    With PoE 2 beta likely to be released in November, this league could be an important transition point between PoE 1 and PoE 2.


    Anyway, while we may find out exactly what Settlers of Kalguur league will be on July 18, we can at least speculate, right?

    The background of the settlement being developed makes me think that we’re going to visit all the new lands in Wraeclast, and the trailer also shows a sign in front of a body of water, so maybe we will actually enter the sea in some way? Maybe go fishing?

    So, what can you expect to see in the new Path of Exile 3.25 Settlers of Kalguur when it goes live on July 26? We’ll have to wait and see!

  • Hello fellow Exiles! Here we want to talk about Flicker Strike and the 3 top builds centered on this skill, which are specifically for those who like to quickly navigate the map. So without further ado, let’s take a quick look at these best Flicker Strike themed builds in Path of Exile 3.24!

    Nightblade Flicker Strike Raider

    Let’s start with the well-balanced Nightblade Flicker Strike Raider with Ranger Class. This is the build that allows us to have it all. Not only does it easily achieve over 10 million DPS, but it is also super tanky and more importantly, as you can see in the game, its clear speed is very fast.

    To understand the advantages of this build, I have to repeat what I just said, this is one of the most well-balanced builds I have ever played. It has super fast damage and survivability, as well as satisfying explosive gameplay. Let’s face it, Nightblade Flicker Strike is super cool!

    Now to the cons, I would say that the cost of completing this build is not low, you need some mandatory unique and rare items. Another problem is that you need to have a little control over your character, especially when facing bosses like Queen Atziri and Shaper. You need to know which cone to attack and pay attention to your position. Therefore, for players who try this build for the first time, it may be difficult to get started.

    For the budget, like I said before, this build is expensive and not a starter, you need at least six Divine Orbs to assemble it.

    In addition, this build requires three mandatory unique items. The first is Farrul’s Fur Body Armor, which guarantees that you always have full Frenzy Charges forever.

    Next we also need a Yoke of Suffering Amulet, which allows all our elemental damage to shock the enemy, making them take more damage.

    Finally, we also need Perseverance Vanguard Belt, which converts tankness into damage. It increases the damage by 1% for every 200 points of the minimum between Armor and Evasion. Luckily, this build has over 30,000 points of Armor and Evasion.

    As I said before, it’s clear speed definitely deserves full marks. When you are mapping, it will swing its great sword to help you clear all enemies on the screen!

    Besides that, the boss damage it deals is also great, especially when you use Berserk skill. It can even kill Guardians in less than two seconds. But I only give it 9 points because the damage it deals to Pinnacle Boss will also decrease when our Rage is harder to accumulate.

    For its survivability, I will also give it 9 points out of 10. This build has nearly 100,000 effective HP, and its high Armor, high Evasion, Spell Suppression, over 30% block chance and high chance to avoid Elemental Ailments can help you be quite tanky when facing bosses. I only deducted one point because of your low life regeneration and susceptibility to poison.

    Flicker Strike Slayer

    Next we have the super strong Flicker Strike Slayer with Duelist Class. This build uses Terminus Est to maintain Frenzy Charges you need to keep flickering. This is a great and simple Flicker Strike Build for beginners.

    To list the pros of this build, I will have to mention its clear speed. Also, it has strong boss damage and Instant Life leech. Of course, Flicker build looks really cool.

    Now to list the cons, I will first say that you are always very close to the enemy, which puts you in a vulnerable position. Another problem is that you have almost no control over your character, which makes it difficult when dealing with bosses. You need to always pay attention to your position or attack the right enemy.

    As for the budget, you only need one mandatory unique item to complete this build, which is Terminus Est Sword, which can maintain your Frenzy Charges while you flickering.

    For clear speed, this build is definitely worth 10 points. I don’t even need to say anything, just look at the gameplay and you will agree with me.

    Its boss damage is also great, worth 9 out of 10. This build can easily deal millions of damage per second. So you can kill those big bosses with ease.

    Now, for the survivability of this build, I can only give it 8 points. Although this build still has nearly 100,000 effective HP because of high Armor, Evasion and Spell Suppression, I have to deduct 2 points because we are always very close to the enemy and in a vulnerable position.

    Infernal Flicker Strike Ascendant

    Finally, we have this incredible Infernal Flicker Strike Ascendant with Scion class. This build uses Oro’s Sacrifice Unique Sword to maintain Frenzy Charges needed to keep flickering.

    To talk about the pros of this build, I would of course start with its super high clear speed, besides that, its amazing boss damage and high survivability will definitely shine.

    For the cons, the first thing that comes to my mind is that you are always very close to the enemy, which is a vulnerable position. Another problem is that you have very little control over your character, which makes it difficult to attack the right enemy while paying attention to your position when facing a boss.

    As for the budget, we need two mandatory unique items to complete this build. The first and most important is Sword Oro’s Sacrifice, which allows you to always keep Frenzy Charges while Flickering.

    Next, we also need a Call of the Void, which allows you to cool down your attacks and crush enemies. Please note that this ring can be a bit expensive in the first few days of a new league. But don’t worry, you will be fine without it while waiting for the price to drop.

    As always, the clear speed of this build still has no disadvantages, it is very fast like any other Flicker Strike build, so fast that some players can even kill groups of monsters in seconds.

    Its boss damage is also very good, worth 9 out of 10. This build achieves high DPS and can destroy bosses in seconds.

    Now for survivability, I can only give it 8 points out of 10. I had to subtract two points for the same reason as for Flicker Strike Slayer.

    That’s all the top Flicker Strike builds I’ve found so far, and they’ll help you survive even into the next league if they haven’t been nerfed. What do you think of these Flicker Strike builds? Are there any better options that didn’t make my list? See you next time!

  • A Deep Dive Into All Sorceress Abilities We Know So Far In Path Of Exile 2

    Sorceress is one of the two Intelligence starting classes in Path of Exile 2. The class focuses primarily on Elemental Damage, Elemental Ailments, Mana and Energy Shield, which makes it somewhat similar to the Elementalist from POE 1.

    Here we’ll go over all Sorceress themed abilities we know so far. But just like in POE 1, you can of course use these skills on any class, not just Sorceress, this is just for marketing POE 2, to make all of these skills clearer and easier to understand for new players joining the series for the first time. Let’s get straight into it!


    Starting with Fireball, this skill looks very similar to the one in POE 1. But it functions differently, as it explodes on contact, forming a small fireball that shoots out in all directions. This is great for clearing out dense groups of monsters to speed up POE Currency farming efficiency.

    It’s also worth mentioning that Fireball was one of the showcase abilities, and it appeared in ExileCon Showcase as an Implicit skill granted by the weapon. The developers stated that this version of the skill can be cast for free.


    Next up we have Spark, which is also very similar to its counterpart from POE 1, firing projectiles that appear to move around randomly and bounce off the terrain. During ExileCon Showcase, the developers mentioned that this skill would be better suited for clearing monsters if equipped with Pierce Support.


    Arc is another Lightning skill. The character fires some lightning at a target enemy, which then chains to other nearby enemies. This skill is better suited for single targets, as it deals more damage to the first target it hits.


    Frostbolt is also very similar to its counterpart from POE 1, with the major difference as the projectile follows Chilled Ground that forms below it as it moves, and when the projectile collides with the terrain it actually explodes, dealing AOE cold damage. This will make it a key skill for clearing a lot of enclosed space in some map layouts.

    Ice Nova

    Next up is Ice Nova, a spell that increases the cold damage radius around the caster while also knocking back enemies, depending on how close they are to you. Ice Nova can also be used on a moving Frostbolt Projectile, and doing so will increase the power of Ice Nova, making it easier to freeze enemies.

    Cold Snap

    Cold Snap is another cold skill that interacts with Frostbolt Projectile. The skill can target frozen enemies, causing them to shatter and explode, dealing AOE cold damage.

    You’ll be able to use Cold Snap by targeting Frostbolt Projectiles, causing the skill to shatter all frozen enemies in the area around Frostbolt. Obviously, this means that the combination of Frostbolt, Ice Nova, and Cold Snap is great for clearing setups.


    Then we have Comet, another cold-themed skill. This skill looks great. It has a long cast time, and it drops a giant Ice Ball at the target area, dealing a ton of cold damage. It’s worth noting that casting this skill actually moves the character back a bit, allowing for some repositioning counterattacks.

    Barrier Invocation

    Barrier Invocation is an interesting skill, one of the new Meta Skill Gems. It reserves Spirit to gain buffs, and the buffs will recharge the energy mechanic based on the amount of damage you deal to Energy Shield until the maximum energy threshold is reached. You can then use the skill again to consume the already accumulated energy to trigger socketed spells.

    It’s important to note here that in POE 2, triggered abilities work differently. Because the casting time of the triggered ability will directly affect the trigger condition, Barrier Invocation will use more stored energy to trigger a spell with a longer casting time than a spell with a shorter casting time.

    Cast On Shock

    This is another new Meta Skill Gem. It also accumulates energy when you shock an enemy, similar to Barrier Invocation, and the maximum amount of energy you can have is based on the casting time of the triggered ability. So if the skill has a longer casting time, it will take longer to accumulate the energy required to trigger the skill.

    Arctic Armour

    Arctic Armour is another skill that reserves Spirit, and it will grant you an Ice Barrier that builds up over time while stationary, and wears off pretty quickly. Once you start moving, the buff will make you immune to Freeze, and it will cause you to take less Physical and Fire damage per phase, which is accumulated while standing still.

    Importantly, from the looks of it, the less Physical and Fire damage Arctic Armour takes seems to work on other types of sustained damage as well. Not just hitting monsters, as long as Ice Barrier is up and active, they’ll take cold damage.

    Flame Wall

    Flame Wall seems to function exactly the same as it did in POE 1. It creates a wall of flames on the ground that deals sustained fire damage to enemies standing in it.

    If any enemies enter the area after it’s activated, they’ll take additional fire damage over time from the secondary debuff. Not only that, but this can also apply some extra fire damage by firing projectiles at enemies.

    Rolling Magma

    One protection skill that can be used with Flame Wall is Rolling Magma, which forms a bouncing Fiery Orb that deals AOE damage with each bounce. This skill also refreshes the number of remaining bounces when it passes through a Flame Wall.

    Solar Orb

    Next up we have Solar Orb, which creates a large Fire Orb at a location that will periodically explode for fire damage. Any enemy close enough to Fire Orb will also take ongoing fire damage, but recasting Solar Orb will actively replace the current Orb.


    Flameblast is another classic skill from POE 1 that is slightly different in POE 2. This channeling skill will release explosions around Castle in the initial stages, but will shift to a larger area and deal more damage at higher stages. What’s more, Flameblast can also target an active Solar Orb to expand the blast radius at that location.

    Frost Bomb

    Frost Bomb will pulse in an area for its duration and apply Cold Exposure to nearby enemies. After the duration expires, Frost Bomb will explode, dealing massive cold damage.

    Mana Tempest

    Mana Tempest is a spell that boosts your other abilities while you’re standing in its area. This ability consumes your mana while you stay in Storm to power up your spells.

    Additionally, it adds chaining to Lightning Projectile and Beam spells so they can hit more enemies. However, be aware that Mana Tempest area disappears shortly after you leave it, just like in POE 1.

    Orb Of Storms

    Orb of Storms creates a stationary storm that periodically attacks nearby enemies, and this damage is then spread out to other enemies in the area. It’s worth noting that increasing your casting speed affects how often Orb of Storms triggers.

    Lightning Warp

    Lightning Warp looks pretty interesting, and it can be used to target an enemy and teleport to them. Once they’re in cold range, and teleport to an enemy that can deal cold damage, the enemy will explode in the area around them dealing lightning damage and creating Shocked Ground.

    This skill also highlights enemies in your vicinity that are in a cold radius, which you can then use to teleport to multiple targets in sequence.

    Lightning Conduit

    Lightning Conduit can be used to attack a group of enemies in a cone in front of the caster. If the enemy is already shocked, this lightning damage will do more damage, but will also then remove the shock.

    Frost Wall

    Frost Wall forms a wall of ice that prevents enemies from reaching you. If you take enough damage or an enemy moves in its direction, and the wall is stressed enough, it will explode. When it explodes, it will deal heavy AOE damage to enemies around the broken area of ​​the wall.


    Firestorm is a duration-based fire spell that rains down fire at a target location that explodes on impact, dealing damage to enemies caught in the storm.

    Energy Remnants

    Energy Remnants is a Sorceress-themed skill. At this point, we know nothing about it, except for the name of the skill. However, the icon is the same as Arcane Cloak in POE 1, maybe with some color changes, so perhaps this skill will also achieve a very similar effect by consuming energy shields.

    Raging Spirit

    Finally, Raging Spirit. From what we know so far, this skill doesn’t actually appear on Sorceress skill list, so it’s likely a Sorceress-themed skill. But I feel like it might be somewhere in between, a minion skill.

    In POE 2, Raging Spirit can also be triggered by using fire spells. Whenever you use a fire spell, it summons Raging Spirit Minions, and the number of summoned Spirits can be increased by either boosting AOE of the fire spell you’re using or hitting more targets with projectile-based fire spells.


    That’s all we know so far about Sorceress-themed abilities in Path of Exile 2. Again, remember, these are just thematic abilities, and you can absolutely use any of these abilities in any class you like. The choice is yours. See you next time!

  • Is Nametaker Unique Sword In Path Of Exile 3.24 Still Worth Watching? - Mechanic Breakdown Guide

    Hello fellow Exiles! Here we are going to discuss a forgotten unique item. We will take a look at how exactly it works and how its mechanics interact with other aspects of Path of Exile 3.24, especially some of the newer builds or Ascendancy reworks.

    The item we are going to share today is Nametaker Unique Sword. This Unique One Hand Sword first appeared in POE 3.23 Affliction as an exclusive drop from monsters in Wildwood. Then, in POE 3.24 Necropolis, Nametaker was added to the core drop pool.

    Since this POE item was added to the game very recently, you might not believe that it is forgotten by most players. But in fact, this sword is only used by a few characters in Necropolis.


    Let’s take a look at the modifiers on Nametaker.

    Increased Critical Strike Chance

    First up is the 20% to 40% increased Critical Strike Chance, which is a local Increased Critical Strike Chance modifier. This is a pretty good number if you can make sure you have a good modifier role. This will increase the critical chance of the weapon to 7%.

    It’s worth mentioning that you can also make full use of Harvest enchantment to convert weapon quality into a critical chance for this weapon. Since base quality won’t do much in terms of weapon damage increase, and this weapon relies heavily on external sources of flat damage.

    Leech Modifiers

    Next we have two Leech modifiers: 2% of Physical Attack Damage Leeched as Life and 2% of Physical Attack Damage Leeched as Mana.

    These will give you a source of leech for Life and Mana, but unfortunately they are limited to the physical portion of any attack damage you deal, and physical attack leech for life and mana is one of the most common leech modifiers in the game.

    Other than that, you’re unlikely to deal much physical damage with your attacks, as many sources of flat physical damage are a bit hard to come by, and generally harder to exploit. For example, a build using this item is more likely to deal flat elemental damage, in which case these Leech modifiers won’t be as useful.

    Enemy Power

    Now let’s move on to Nametaker’s unique modifiers. When hitting with this weapon, the critical multiplier increases by 10% for each additional Enemy Power.

    The term Enemy Power refers to a mechanic that was unique to Warcry before this Nametaker came along. Enemy Power is a number, and it’s tied to the rarity of the monster. Normal or White monsters have 1 power. Magic or Blue monsters have 2 powers. Rare monsters have 10 powers, and Unique monsters have 20 powers.

    If you plan on playing some PVP, the player character has 5 powers, so whenever this weapon comes into contact with a monster, this Power system will determine the stats granted by these modifiers.

    Here’s a breakdown of the stats you get from these modifiers, depending on the rarity of the monster:

    • When hitting Normal monsters, your critical multiplier will be increased by 10%, and 5% of your leech will provide instant recovery.
    • When hitting Magic monsters, your critical multiplier will be increased by 20%, and 10% of your leech will provide instant recovery.
    • When hitting Rare monsters, your critical multiplier will be increased by 100%, and 50% of your leech will provide instant recovery.
    • When hitting Unique monsters, your critical multiplier will be increased by 200%, and 100% of your leech will provide instant recovery.

    How Do Nametaker And Dual Strike Mechanics Differ?

    Keep in mind that these bonuses only apply to hits made with Nametaker, which is an important distinction from mechanics like Dual Strike.

    Dual Strike requires the character to dual wield and use both weapons for a single strike. When this happens, each weapon will roll Accuracy and Critical Strike Chance separately. They will also roll their own damage ranges, and only the expected damage from each weapon will be combined into the last hit, which is the one set of damage from a single hit.

    However, Nametaker critical hit multiplier and instant leech can only affect the expected damage from the portion of the hit that comes from that weapon. It won’t apply to both weapons at once, but this means that Nametaker synergizes quite well with Dual Strike of Ambidexterity. Because this Transfigured version of Dual Strike emphasizes dealing most of the attack damage from the main hand.

    How To Get More Flat Added Damage?

    On top of that, Nametaker also provides a way to scale damage in the form of very large crit multipliers depending on the type of monster you’re fighting.

    But what it lacks is base damage, which needs to be addressed by getting a source of flat added damage. For example, using Added Lightning Damage Support with Flat Added Damage Modifiers on Rings and Amulets, or even using Replica Alberon’s Warpath on a Strength Stacking setup to get a ton of Flat added Chaos Damage.

    Why Was It Forgotten?

    So why isn’t Nametaker used more often? One thing I haven’t mentioned so far is that Mastery on Passive Skill Tree breaks the ability to use Nametaker’s modifiers to take advantage of smaller portions of instant leech to ultimately do more damage.

    If instant leech was harder to come by like it used to be in the game, then this modifier on Nametaker would make it a more worthy choice for builds that rely entirely on leech as their primary source of mana regeneration. But who knows when that change will come?

    That’s all for today. What do you think of this Nametaker Unique Sword? Do you have a better way to unlock the full potential of this Unique One Hand Sword? See you next time!

  • Uncovering The Secrets Of Farming Headhunter Or Mageblood In POE 3.24 SSF League (2024)


    How to find a headhunter poe? ›

    1. Farming The Doctor card. This is a great method for Magic Find builds, and in a way, while it may take extra time and effort, this method provides a guaranteed drop for the Headhunter. After collecting all 8 The Doctor cards, players may get rare drops like Headhunter in Burial Chambers and the Spider Forest.

    Where to farm headhunter cards? ›

    No.MethodTo Obtain
    1Running certain maps which have a chance to drop Headhunter-related cardsHeadhunter-related cards
    2Opening Stacked Decks Shift click to unstack. in any map or areaHeadhunter-related cards
    3Running any map with the Nemesis league Zana mod active (Nemesis may not be required in 3.14)Headhunter
    2 more rows

    How do people get mageblood? ›

    In Path of Exile Crucible League, Mageblood is a unique Heavy Belt that can be obtained through divination cards or by trading with other players. It grants increased maximum life, increased life regeneration rate, and reduced flask charges used.

    Can headhunters drop Poe? ›

    Headhunter can drop anywhere. It can be chanced. Headhunter belongs to a special group of unique items called league-specific items, which can be obtained from certain divination cards and other sources in addition to their normal acquisition methods.

    How do you unlock head hunters? ›

    The Headhunter is the twelfth Dark Elixir Troop unlocked once the Dark Barracks is upgraded to level 9, which requires Town Hall level 12. She is a fast ground troop that prioritizes Heroes instead of attacking defenses, resources, or other buildings.

    Why is Headhunter so cheap now Poe? ›

    I postulate that to a large extent, the lowered prices of headhunter and so forth are also largely due to the fact the people who need these items simply do not have the currency on hand to buy them when they are appropriately priced. In the words of Barron Harkonnen "let the spice/currency flow.

    How to target farm mageblood poe? ›

    There are two main ways of this farm, you can spec into all Essence Notables on the Atlas, use Essence Craft in the Map Device, add the Sextant that adds an extra Essence monster to your Map, and rush white Maps as fast as possible.

    What map does Mageblood drop on? ›

    Mageblood can drop anywhere. It can be chanced.

    What is the chance of Mageblood from Gwennen? ›

    So how rare is mageblood from Gwennen? If they haven't changed the weight of tier 0 uniques, you can expect around 1 mageblood every 20k rolls (very rough estimate from over 150k rolls and u/poorFishwife 's work).

    What is the minimum item level for a headhunter Poe? ›

    you can chance a headhunter For chance(Orb of Chance Orb of Chance) a Headhunter Headhunter, there is no minimum item level requirement. The base type is Leather Belt. You must chance a normal item of Leather Belt while standing in a map with Nemesis mod(Zana nemesis map).

    Was Headhunter nerfed? ›

    After this update, the damage of Headhunter MK3 has been significantly reduced, with a 50% reduction in damage to unyielding armor and a 30% reduction in damage to other armor.

    What is the headhunter good for in Poe? ›

    Headhunter provides a significant boost to all aspects of a player's abilities and defences when used in high budget builds purely focused on obliterating entire maps with either very powerful or insanely high cast/attack rates.

    Can you chance headhunter? ›

    you can chance a headhunter For chance(Orb of Chance Orb of Chance) a Headhunter Headhunter, there is no minimum item level requirement. The base type is Leather Belt. You must chance a normal item of Leather Belt while standing in a map with Nemesis mod(Zana nemesis map).

    How to find delve boss poe? ›

    Delve Bosses can only spawn in the City biomes named above, and are even more Rare than the cities themselves. There are 3 Delve bosses, and each is related to the biome that they spawn within. The bosses are arranged in difficulty, with Aul being by far the most difficult of the three for most builds.

    Is Headhunter good on every build? ›

    Though it is a solid option for nearly every build out there, there are some that do not necessarily work well with Headhunter.


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