What Is Fault Code SPN 563 FMI 14? (Anti Lock Braking FMI 9) (2025)

With the fault code system, you have two different data links being used in different vehicles. Some can come with the J1707 system while others will be using the J1939 and some may have both. This multi-level data link system can make home repairs difficult.

The fault code SPN 563 FMI 14 is a code that originates with the transmission. What it means is- the ABS Module is configured to communicate on J1708 or analog instead of J1939. The instructions to resolve this fault code are to refer to the OEM repair procedures.

To learn more about this fault code, just continue to read our article. It has the information you want to know about so you can make the repair quickly and get back on the road fast. But you do need to know your two data link systems to do that.

SPN 563 FMI 14

What are The J1708 And J1939 Data Link Systems?

SPN 563 Anti-Lock Braking

Freightliner SPN 563 FMI 14

Eaton SPN 563 FMI 14

What are The J1708 And J1939 Data Link Systems?

What Is Fault Code SPN 563 FMI 14? (Anti Lock Braking FMI 9) (1)

To make this repair, you need to know a little something about the different systems car and truck manufacturers use to monitor all the components in their vehicles.

The first thing to know is that the J1708 system is basically the same as the J1587 system. The latter was the original data link system and the two numbers are used interchangeably. This is a low-speed data communication system.

The J1939 option is the high-speed communication system and the two are not really compatible. You may hear the word ‘bus’ used in reference to these hardwired systems. That is just the non-technical term and the ‘bus’ may only be 2 wires that connect all of the vehicles’ electronic components.

The bus is the system that transfers data from one location to the ECU or other module. The reason the J1587 and the J1708 numbers are used interchangeably is that the former set of numbers refers to the message or data layer of the whole system.

The J1708 is the hardwired system in that communication is transferred. The two work together at the low speed of 9600 bits per second and use a 6-pin connector. The J1939 is the upgraded version and it transfers data at the speed of 250 bits per second and uses a 9-pin connector.

Now the fault code SPN 563 FMI 14 is telling you that one portion of your ABS system is communicating on the 9600 bits per second data level and not at the 250 bits per second level the J1939 runs at. Thus you have your problem.

What will further trigger this or a similar code is that the J1939 system is being upgraded to the J1939-14 option which communicates at a 500 bits per second speed.

Changing the speed of communication seems to be the order for this fault code. But before you do that, you will need to clear any other fault codes first.

SPN 563 Anti-Lock Braking

What Is Fault Code SPN 563 FMI 14? (Anti Lock Braking FMI 9) (2)

In this case, the fault codes FMI 9 & 14 coupled with the SPN 563 code seem to be the same. At least all the data sheets we have looked at place them as the same in the information portion of their explanations.

The fault codes should read like this- J1587: MID 130 PID 49 FMI 9, 14

J1939: SA 3 SPN 563 FMI 9, 14. These are listed under the fault code 22- ABS CAN Message. The overview of this problem is as follows:

The UltraShift PLUS transmission is equipped with Hill Start Aid (HSA) which prevents roll-back and roll-forward while launching on grades that are 1% and greater. The HSA holds for 3 seconds using vehicle foundation wheel brakes. The Transmission Electronic Control Unit (TECU) and ABS Module communicate over the J1939 Data Link and control the HSA function. Fault Code 22 sets if the TECU loses communication with the ABS or the ABS communicates that the HSA is not available.” (source)

For all FMI codes, the message is the same- Hill Start is unavailable or inoperative. What sets the SPN 563 FMI 14 fault code are the following problems:

1. ABS System

- ABS component or system fault code

- ABS module does not support or is not configured for HSA

- ABS module internal failure

2. HSA Disable Switch

- Bent, spread, corroded or loose terminals

- Wiring shorted to ground, shorted to power, or open

- Internal failure

What sets the code for the FMI 9 option is as follows:

J1939 Data Link

- J1939 Data Link damage between TECU and ABS module

- Bent, spread, corroded or loose terminals

- Wiring shorted to ground, shorted to power, or open

Every instruction we found for the resolution of these fault codes was the same- refer to the OEM guidelines if there is a problem. The only good news about this fault code is that it is not supposed to be a common one.

Freightliner SPN 563 FMI 14

What Is Fault Code SPN 563 FMI 14? (Anti Lock Braking FMI 9) (3)

The information for this code is almost the same as the above information. However, the mechanic says the fault originates in the ABS system and not the transmission.

All the mechanic says to do is fix the fault related to the ABS and the SPN 563 FMI 14 should be resolved at the same time. That should tell you to fix any ABS codes first before tackling the SPN 563 FMI 14 code as it may disappear and save you some work.

In some cases, you may simply need a new brake light switch. The reason for mentioning this is as follows:

The brake switch is a smart switch and the body controller tells the trans and abs when you are braking. SA 3 is the trans, and SA 11 is the abs and those codes are specifically for communication problems only related to the hill start aid which is used when the trans is at an angle and thinks you are on an incline and uses the abs to help with holding your position and starting from neutral.

The abs is also showing a code for not getting the right message at the right time and I believe this is because SA 33, which is the body controller, is not sending the brake switch message because it is logging a faulty switch code.” (source)

Now, be careful as this SPN FMI code may appear with different fault codes. One example would be S.A. 3 SPN 563 FMI 14 OC 127

S.A. 11 SPN 639 FMI 2 Oc 127

S.A. 33 SPN 597 FMI 0 oc 12

Make sure to clear those other codes first as the SPN 5653 FMI 14 or 9 will simply be a communications fault code. It should disappear when you fix the actual problem with your ABS or transmission system.

Eaton SPN 563 FMI 14

What Is Fault Code SPN 563 FMI 14? (Anti Lock Braking FMI 9) (4)

We mentioned fault code 22 in an earlier section and there is a reason why it is listed with the SPN 563 FMI 14 & 9 codes. The fault code 22 is the Eaton fault code for the exact same problem. The manuals lists it as- J1587: MID 130 SID 254 FMI 9, 14/ J1939: SA 3 SPN 563 FMI 9, 14 on page 80.

For the Eaton vehicles, the fault code can be set by any of the following components:

- J1939 datalink

- ABS module

- ABS module does not support HSA or is not configured with HS

The instructions to troubleshoot are found on page 81 of the Eaton manual and it says:

#1. turn the Key on.

#2. Retrieve active fault codes and FMIs with ServiceRanger using the 9-way diagnostic connector

- If Fault Code 22 is Active, repair the ABS module or data link per OEM guidelines.

- If Fault Code 22 is Inactive, the test is complete.

You can read the manual by clicking on this link. other key information you should be aware of are:


- Fault Code 22 is detected if J1939 communication from theABS is lost for 5 seconds and other devices are present onJ1939.


- No Fallback mode; however, Hill Start Aid (HSA) will notfunction and the system may attempt a shift during the wheel slip events.

If you are trying to troubleshoot an inactive code, you need to turn to page 11 of the manual and look for the section called Product Diagnostic Mode or PD and follow the instructions found on that page.

However, there is a clear warning by Eaton- PD Mode is only to be used by a trained service technician in an authorized dealer. You may not be able to fix it yourself.

Some Final Words

Fault codes can get confusing at times. But once you figure them out, and how the data links work, the repairs can be fairly straight forward. The key to figuring out these fault codes is to know who made which component and then look up their company-specific fault codes list.

That is the easiest way to do it as not everyone relies on the SPN FMI system completely.

What Is Fault Code SPN 563 FMI 14? (Anti Lock Braking FMI 9) (2025)


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